So in 1950 you had a lot of denominations of Christianity that reconciled science and greek logic with traditional Christian culture and philosophy- holding logic as the highest value (rather than faith)- these were swedenborgianism, Unitarianism and a few others. They weren't large, but they were prominent among educated people, politicians, leaders etc. and influenced the other churches. So you could be some kind of rational atheist and still be Christian, as the cultural values were held in high esteem.
At the same time, even among regular churches there was this sense of standards. If you were a thief, prostitute etc. you would not be welcome in a church. You had to straighten yourself out and act like a real Christian to be accepted. Today the churches actually go into the prisons, drug dens and whore houses trying to recruit new members. They also go to third world countries and find the most backwards people sleeping in piles of their own feces, then try to convert them. They go up in front of the congregation and say "we are all broken. We're all weak. No one is better than anyone else" the seeds of this do exist in the Bible, but there has been a huge change in culture and mentality in the churches. And the results are nobody goes to church anymore because all the churches cater themselves to the loser and diversity. They are just religious forms of cultural Marxism.
Basically what I want in life is to be part of a community that practices minimal standards- that excludes the mental retards, criminals, deranged etc. and just has minimal expectations out of people. A group that celebrates our abilities instead of celebrating our disabilities. I could not find one. There are thousands of churches in every city and hundreds in every town. I could not find one that just had minimal standards and cater itself to normal people instead of losers. Every church has an alcoholic anonymous meeting, a recovering drug addict meeting, and all kinds of services for failures in life, broken people etc. but nothing for normal well adjusted people. No secret society caters itself to intelligent people unless you are filthy rich. No social club. No school (other than expensive private schools). Everything in our nation has been transformed into something that caters itself to the lowest people. So I have just been working on a group that caters itself to normal well adjusted people.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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