IhateBush #fundie dailykos.com

I was a strong supporter of gay marriage until the last few weeks.

Then it hit me that there are many many more problems that threaten society than pushing this issue. The economy, Health care, energy, climate change, labor issues are far far more important than whether gays marry or not. This is certainly not the time to push gay marriage.

So I see those pushing this issue as real selfish and putting themselves over the good of the country. So I'm really reconsidering whether I want to reward this kind of extreme selfish individualistic thinking. I am a strong authoritarian as well.

To be quite frank, if I had lived during WWII and if people put the issue of civil rights over the good of the country, I probably would have had very negative views toward that movement.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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