as of yet, I have never seen an evolutionist run an experiment where a Dog evolved into a Falcon.
The problem being, of course, that humans haven't been on earth long enough to see such a thing. This highlights one of the biggest problems with Fundies when they try to argue about evolution. They don't have a concept of the time scale involved. Evolution takes a long time.
Heh... but they can't comprehend anything more than about 6,000 years, because apparently that's how old the universe is. I suppose they're right in that respect; evolution could never take place on that timescale.
Yeah, walk over some water, then turn it into wine and present me with a talking snake, then come back from the dead, buddy. Then maybe i'll believe you.
I could believe that before I believe that a pile of dirt turned into a human.
Incidentally, my friend Morbo has something to say. Morbo?
Thank you, Morbo.
Good, as that would completely disprove evolution.
Oh, and it's called biologist, or possibly chemist, not "evolutionist".
10 Scientific Ideas that Scientists Wish You Would Stop Misusing.
Check out 1, 2, 6, 8 and 9 especially. Well, as that leave very few points, just check out the whole list, stupid. I bet you've misused each and every one of them, anyway.
That's because you've got this idea that there's "Evolutionists" and that they're mad scientists or extremely experimental somewhat pissed scientists or fans of science with a warped sense of purpose or whatever you think you should label a liberal today.
Because you're a uneducated looney.
Watching too much Wonder-Dog and Blue Falcon, huh?
I don't think instantaneous Dog-to-Falcon polymorphing was ever part of the Theory of Evolution.
I think you need to find that preacher who misinformed you on what the Theory actually states and ask for your money back.
How does it feel to be manipulated? How do you feel when you look in the mirror and see such a dumb fucking knuckle-dragger?
Well, I've heard that the Simic Combine does fascinating things with creatures. They've got Waspcrabs. Waspcrabs . I'm sure that a dogfalcon would not be hard for them to do. But, like everything they do, out requires gene splicing.
The point is that evolution doesn't work like how you say it does and you're a moron.
Although, the Simic can also help with that.
Well, I've heard that the Simic Combine does fascinating things with creatures. They've got Waspcrabs. Waspcrabs . I'm sure that a dogfalcon would not be hard for them to do. But, like everything they do, out requires gene splicing.
The point is that evolution doesn't work like how you say it does and you're a moron.
Although, the Simic can also help with that.
"as of yet, I have never seen an evolutionist run an experiment where a Dog evolved into a Falcon."
And this is a good thing because no one is claiming evolution says this should happen. Who, exactly, besides you, is claiming evolution says this should happen?
Citation seriously fucking needed.
I can make unsubstantiated claims, too. It's easy when the crap you say requires no evidence. Like this:
"as of yet, I have never seen a creationist run an experiment where a god created the universe and man by crapping it out of his ass after eating a ginormous burrito."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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