Mo Farah is a devout Muslim.
As an athlete, he has won the 5,000 & 10,000 Metres Golds: in two Olympics; 2012 London & 2016 Rio.
Only Finland's Lasse Viren did that in the 20th Century: 1972 Munich & 1976 Montreal.
Mo has four kids he adores, from a wife, Tania Nell, who doesn't wear the Hijab. He doesn't profess his faith, nor does he try to proseltyse. Is famous for his adverts for Quorn vegetarian meat substitute products. His wins in Rio have certainly secured his position as a sporting giant. Thus a Knighthood in the offing...?!
For an immigrant from Somalia at age eight, and could barely speak the language, his status today: uncriticisable.
As per Sir Jesus Wiggins who cycles on water, post-2016 Rio, people now criticise Peyton Manning at their peril.
I bet William Hill & Paddy Power wouldn't have taken bets on Mr. Farah winning those long distance athletics events at the Rio Olympics. Despite Mo being tripped & fell over in the 10,000 Metres & nearly happening in the 5,000: and certainly in the case of the former, he still won.
'God doesn't play dice with the universe', as Albert Einstein once said. Don't wager on certainities. Such as the supposed 'existence' of your 'God', eh KiddyDiddlingCondoner4God...?! [/Reverse-Pascal's Wager]
How do you know that your particular deity exists, KDC4G? For all you know, it could be Odin. Or Amaterasu/Kwannon. Or Bastet/Sekhmet. Or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Or JR 'Bob' Dobbs. Or Cthulhu. Or Eris. Or Princesses Celestia & Luna. Or Haruhi Suzumiya.
Or - considering his flawless performance on the track - Mo Farah's Allah...?!
At least we can see the FSM, JR 'Bob' Dobbs, Cthulhu, Eris, Celestia & Luna, and Haruhi Suzumiya. Certainly Mo Farah. Sir Jesus Wiggins. Andy Murray. And Peyton Manning: sporting Gods.
Andy Schaftafly's lover-boy Timmy Teabowl? Literally who?!
Andy Schaftafly being utterly annihilated, re the equally flawless performance by Andy Murray in the Tennis at 2016 Rio. Also 2012 London. And Wimbledon in 2013 & 2016; Sir Andy before this year's out, methinks. William Hill & Paddy Power wouldn't have dared bet on him, if they valued their lives. He has been touched by His Noodly Appendage.
It's why Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning has two Superbowl rings (XLI, L), and Timmy Teabowl has fuck all: and always will.
Where is his - as well as Andy Schaftafly's & yours, KDC4G - God now...?!
Andy Murray's two Gold medals, and Wimbledon titles. Mo Farah's four Golds. Peyton Manning's two Superbowl rings. I'm seeing more proof of the existence of His Holy Noodliness the FSM, JR 'Bob' Dobbs, Cthulhu, Eris, Celestia & Luna, Haruhi Suzumiya and Allah, frankly.
Your 'God' exists, Andy Schaftafly? Yours too, KDC4G? Willing to bet on it? Are you prepared here and now to do a Joe Namath, prior to Superbowl III and say 'I Guarantee It'?
You'd best be prepared to have better-than empirical secular peer reviewed evidence-based proof to the satisfaction of we Atheists if you have the remotest possibility of convincing us; no 'Faith' or 'Interpretation' of your book of fairytales allowed, neither. Or the only possible way we'll be convinced:
You convincing we Atheists - and to our satisfaction - that your & Andy Schaftafly's particular deity exists? Want to bet on it?
The existence of your so-called 'God', compared to the likes of the FSM, JR 'Bob' Dobbs, Cthulhu, Eris, Celestia & Luna, or Haruhi Suzumiya. Compared to your fairytale book-based 'Faith' (which sounds exactly like FAIL), you may now proceed to prove they don't exist. You proving us wrong - and to our satisfaction - even more unlikely to come true.