I haul my ass out of bed at 5 AM every morning so I can make a living. Before I see a penny of it I pay taxes.
Out of those taxes contraceptives are paid for by me for those who want to fuck but don't want to work."
"Out of those taxes unwed mothers are being paid more for welfare. Once again, they get to fuck, but they're not working and no one is working on their behalf. So I help to bear the brunt of their cost of living."
"Anyone who claims what goes on "in the bedroom" is no one's business is blind. When it comes out of my check, it is my business.
Um.... What? I thought people paid for their own contraceptives?
Also, if the mothers were allowed to abort, then maybe they wouldn't have to take your money out of your taxes, No?
I haul my ass out of bed at 5 AM every morning so I can make a living. Before I see a penny of it I pay taxes.
Out of those taxes police and fire protection for churches are paid for by me for those who want to brainwash and control other people but don't want to work."
"Out of those taxes tax exempt churches are being protected while they try to control government and laws . Once again, they get to be tax free, but they're not working and they are coercing money from their followers. So I help to bear the brunt of their cost of protection."
"Anyone who claims what goes on "in the church" is no one's business is blind. When it comes out of my check, it is my business.
Fuckwit. Your children are going to go to school which is subsidised by tax money. You'll take them there on roads built with tax money. They'll be protected by police and other officials, again paid for by taxes.
Now, do you really want to argue that this gives the government the right to make rules about what goes on in your bedroom?
But hey, this is a good game, so let's play: Fundies are surely most likely to have large families for jebuz and thus be a disproportionate and unfair strain on other taxpayers. Maybe we should limit you by law to only the national average kids per fundie couple. See how this goes, moron? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you ring any bells? No?
Jesus FUCK! I wanna know where Tim lives. Because where I live (You know, the Socialist Utopia of Canada) Welfare pretty much gives enough to survive. The necessities, and that's all. Seems where Tim's from, if you go on Welfare, you live the high life. Those unwed mothers, going on show shoppiing sprees while their child gets pampered by the best nannies money can buy, buying shoes, going out clubbing. Not like here where most single mothers fight tooth and nail to make ends meet. I wish I knew this mythical place Tim speaks of, for most people struggling to get by would do well to go there.
Another comfy, White middle-class twit with no idea what it's like in the real world - who gets by only because of the privileges that are awarded to White people, and even if he did work his ass off, he'd suffocate under the kind of prejudice that exists towards minorities in this nation today.
You don't want to deal with the unwed mothers? Fine. Support abortion and efficient safe sex programs. You don't want to? It's against your religion? Then shut up, motherfucker, you made your choice by forcing her to have the child. Least you can do is help her support the baby.
And all that complaining about fucking - sounds like someone hasn't gotten any in a while, huh Timmy?
Why is other peoples sex life this guys business .
And why is it that you have to haul yourself out of bed , sounds like your depressed , mabey go jump off a bridge and end it right now , those unwed moms wont get any of your money if your dead
I haul my arse out of bed at 7 AM every morning so I can make a living. Before I see a penny of it I pay taxes.
Out of those taxes (specifically the tax exemptions of fundie church 'Pro-Lifers') some campaign against legal abortion, who want to fuck but don't want to work.
Out of those taxes fundie baby-spawning factory mothers - as a result of husbands who can't keep it in their trousers - are being paid more for welfare. Once again, they get to fuck, but they're not working and no one is working on their behalf. So I help to bear the brunt of their cost of living.
Anyone who says that Church and State shouldn't be separate, thus a theocracy (and said fundie churches are tax exempt), then it is my business.
You just can't win with people like this. If those on welfare didn't use contraceptives, this guy would be screaming about their irresponsibility in having kids* they can't afford to raise and increasing the tax burden massively more than the cost of a few french letters.
*They're human beings. They're going to fuck whether the government gives them condom money or not.
Most unwed mothers I know live with the father of their children. Most of the rest of them work at least full time.
I am happy to pay taxes to help those who are unemployed, poor and/or homeless, or all of the above. Isn't that the Christian way?
This is probably comparable to Tea-Partiers who hate social assistance but most of them are on goverment pensions and medi-care or disability assistance.
If you dismantle welfare your country will sink into third-world status exponentially month by month
Before I was old enough to make a living, I went to school, which is paid for by other people paying taxes. I used public roads to go to those schools, and public transports later on. When I suddenly had epileptic seizures, the doctor's appointments were partly paid for by taxes, and all the very expensive equipment he used to diagnose me with.
All in all, I think I gain more than I pay, and I have no problem with someone getting contraceptives from my tax-money. They probably pay for something I get.
Hear this in Canada a lot too and the one thing I've noticed is it's mainly people not contributing fuck all that complain the most.
Bout the only difference is in America your millionaires thought they had a right to bitch about their taxes while paying none at all.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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