Anonymous Coward #fundie
Forget about the debate as to whether the earth is hollow or not. What none of us can deny, on any continent, of any race, or of any era, is there are DEEP caverns and cave systems below our feet. There are rivers and entire oceans below our feet. There are volcanic vents that heat the water, there is algae that live near those subterranean vents that produce oxygen, and there is an ecosystem and food chain as a result. There is a multitude of glowing organisms and plant life (and cool glowing mushrooms like in the fairy tales and movies) and every reason to believe humans sought refuge down below.
Every race, tall, short, and especially pale or albino looking, would be a prime suspect to have broken off at some time and gone below.. just ask the Hopi Indians, who claim to have emerged from the grand canyon. I ask you to watch this video, it is slow paced, but informative and visually interesting to say the least, and think about the ramifications of what it means.
Maybe living on a planet's surface, or fighting over it as we do, is like a bunch of fools fighting over the real estate nobody wants. Maybe Inner world kingdoms, with their consistent temperatures, and shelter from cosmic catastrophe, is the real prime real estate, and we on the surface are used to grow food, and provide other services to these inner earth "gods".
We often talk about Space beings. Lets talk about the underworld, as it is in many myths as well, and is probably much easier for us to explore than deep space. Thoughts?