G'day fellow Israelites I have heard a few times now within white nationalism that swearing is a niggerish form of communication. I dont exactly know if they mean that they condemn all use of dirty 4 letter words as I suppose in some circumstances it is necessary for expression however they do make a good point when they say white people use those words very casually and I can see how it is a niggerised form of behavior.
I would love some input and even the older generation can answer regarding how white folk used to communicate back in a better era. Thankyou.
What the Motherf*ing Hell? F*king no, goddamn White Devil racist a*h* scum! Goddamn White Devil scum f*king swore all the f*king time before goddamn Colon-ialism, and they f*king swear even in goddamn Europe, which has no f*king significant N* scum populations, although not as f*king obsessively as goddamn Yankee scum. Hell, have you ass never f*king heared of f*king idioms like goddamn "f*king swearing like a f*king sailor", accursed anencephalic demonspawn?
(I apologise for my usage of racism in composing this post.)
Pardon my French in advance.
Ce connard est en train de nous faire chier la bîte parce qu'il n'aime qu'on profère des insultes et jurons. Putain, mais faut vraiment être plus tebê que la moyenne pour raconter des conneries comme ça. Ce sous-produit de fausse couche va pas nous emmerder encore longtemps avec son ramassis de chierie cérébrale, j'espère.
Quant aux racistes dégénérés de mes couilles comme lui et sa bande de raclure de bidets, la seule explication sur la source de leur putasserie est que leur mère a été obligée de finir le merdeux avec les traces sur le drap. Ou alors, leur père les a fini à l'urine, c'est selon.
Translation, proceed at your own risk:
That arsehole is f*cking with us, because he doesn't like when people say insults and swearwords. For f*ck's sake, you really have to be a special kind of moronic to say $hit like that. That miscarriage residue won't piss us off much longer, with his brand of mental $hit, I hope.
As for the degenerate racists like him and his ilk, the only explication for the source of their arssholery is that their mom had to finish her $hit-larva with the stains on the sheets. Either that, or their dad finished the job with piss, that's up to you.
Oh, and by the way, my family has been established in France for about 1000 years. I would like to see that moron match that timeline. They talk about whites, and forget there is a great risk there are not that white themselves, by their own criteria.
Chupe mantequilla de mi culo. Me cago en tu puta madre.
Oh and by the way, I am not Spanish and neither I nor anyone in my family has ever visited Spain.
Ty ni huya ne znaesh, idi nahui.
(Translation: You don't know shit, go fuck yourself.)
Funny (in a bad way) that they'd make words largely for sex or excretion to be more offensive than 'nigger'.
The defenders of old-time Southern gentility condemned both poor whites ('rednecks') and Blacks for using supposedly vulgar and un-Christian "street language"; I suppose there could have been a real closing of the gap between upper-middle-class white speech patterns and those groups since the civil rights era (though surely not just *because* of changes in race relations), which they'd consider to be part of a general lack of formality in younger generations, the same sort of crowd who complain about lack of appreciation for classical music and Latin and cursive writing as downfall of Western Civ.
I saw a far worse one the other day that "the Negroes" invented "motherfucker"as an anti-white, reverse-racist cuss word and a way of reminding us whiteys their ancestor Ham literally *fucked his mom* after getting her husband Noah all tipsy, hence their being cursed. On a website with giant Confederate flags covering the main page.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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