Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
are white people from earth..... seriously?
when god created man from the earth man had melanin to protect him from the suns rays.
this may seem like a crazy question but i ask you to take a min and think of the white males history. it goes back to the caucus moutains. now keeping that in mind i ask a basic question how did white people become white ?in nature the animal kingdom all animals have defensive mechanisms.
what is the reason for being white?
some say the move from out of africa to the cooler climates produces this . and to me for a long time it made sense until u realize the eskimos have tint to their skin .
logically thinking the only way to have white skin is to have been underground. no sunshine. like in the movie time machine. i hate to use a movie as a example but you get the idea. a very dark piece of history is missing.
when the biblical flood hit the only place one could go was underground thats logic right? because afterwards the bible states that people survived afterwards the giants their numbers drastically reduced. many people from the four corners of the earth described them as white males red heads
with six fingers and six toes.
early indians would walk up to you and say the words" howe "raising their hand in the air to show they only had five fingers.
lets be honest the people of this planet were evolved to the point of using agriculture. white people came out of no-where to sit atop the food chain so to speak. they created the atom bomb , air planes ,computers banking and credit. they are clearly using reverse engineering all the things that were invented in the last 150 yrs is mind boggling. compared to the last million yrs. even a white person has to say what the heck is this all about? the zionists that one percent thats ruling and the catholic church are hiding facts. look at the tech of television come on there is something going on here.
forgive any spelling errors in trying to get these questions across. iam a history buff and the orgin of the white male with blue eyes well this is a riddle to be solved. the facts as they stand now would lead to a alien pressence undoubtedly unequivically so.
iam not trying to offend anyone not my intention i would like some legitimate ideas to the questions is all.