"Seriously, no. Feminism is about equal rights and opportunities for women. It has nothing to do with the battle of the sexes or ideas of special female superiority."
Yes, feminism is about gender equality, which does not exist, never has, and never will as long as we remain human. That’s why it’s so screwed up and unnatural, and causes far more problems than it solves.
We can objectively prove that this equality does not and cannot exist, yet people believe in it nonetheless and consider themselves rational. Often, it is the same people who scoff at the notion of a higher power, even though they can’t prove that there is no God.
even though they can’t prove that there is no God.
Burden of proof is on the one making the positive assertion, asshole.
"We can objectively prove that this equality does not and cannot exist"
Do you want me to take you up on this challenge? Words do not convince me.
"Often, it is the same people who scoff at the notion of a higher power, even though they can’t prove that there is no God."
It seems to me that you don't want people challenging your preformed ideas, be it the idea of a deity or men being superior to women. As usual, the sexist devoted to 'common sense' opposes political correctness, but has no qualms in exploiting its true methods to protect their dogma from criticism.
That’s why it’s so screwed up and unnatural, and causes far more problems than it solves.
Nothing worthwhile was ever easy.
1941-45. Rosie the Riveter.
Otherwise, where would all the men get their guns, ammunition, tanks, planes, ships & other materiel made in the factories/assembly lines/shipyards/hangars etc by the women doing said mens' jobs? Those men fighting against the Nazis in Europe, and the Japanese in the Pacific couldn't be in two places at once, you know!
Thus that equality had existed, therefore it can and will exist. Oh, and as those Rosie the Riveters in WWII did do those mens' jobs - and their vital contribution to the war effort ensured victory against Hitler & Tojo - ergo the only difference is Chromosomal . NEXT!
I agree, men and women are not equal. But our society has evolved to the point where men no longer need to protect pregnant women from saber toothed tigers. Women can do just fine in the modern world if fucks like you wouldn't continue to try and hold them back.
I cant prove there are no leprechauns either, but I am pretty sure they don't exist. The burden of proof is on you dumbass.
when trying to prove that something either does or doesn't exist, first make sure you're clear about precisely what that thing's supposed to be.
funny thing, equality; i first got confused about it in computer programming, where testing two things for equality is not always a simple or straightforward task. two items in a program may be "equal" in some ways yet not in others, and making sure you're testing for the right kind of equal gets important.
just saying "gender equality doesn't exist" is not helpful and not useful. it either tells us something trivially obvious (biological sexes are not the same as one another) or something obviously variable ("gender" is a social construct; they're equal the moment some society construes them so). define your terms.
I'm assuming that he's talking about differences in brain structure and biochemistry between men and women. Refutation:
1. None of the differences in brain structure and body chemistry are great enough to make it impossible for women or for men to perform a particular task. Some of them make things harder, but they can be overcome with time and effort.
2. Even if they did make certain things impossible, they're tendencies, not absolute laws.
3. Even if they were absolute laws, they wouldn't make men superior. They would just make men better at certain things, and worse at other things.
4. Hypothetically, if women were objectively 'weaker' or 'worse' than men in some way, that STILL wouldn't be an argument for discriminatory policies or behaviour. After all, if these differences were as overpoweringly strong as you claim, it wouldn't matter whether women were banned from doing Hypothetical Job X or discouraged from doing Hypothetical Activity Y, because they wouldn't be able to do it anyway.
In other words, there is no possible way your argument makes sense. Congratulations. *slow clap*
You can't prove a negative, the burden of proof is on you, loser.
Ever hear about Lysistrata?
With advanced science, we will soon not need men to procreate*, Billy-boy. Are you sure you're on the right side of that "gender equality does not exist"?
* Normal women will still want decent men to live with, though. But Billy-Pill will still definitely be the loser.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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