TruthNow88 #conspiracy

We Should Stop Calling False Flag Events By Their MSM Branded Names! We Should Call Them By Their Real Names... Their Drill/Exercise Names!

9/11, the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting, the Boston Bombings, the LAX Shooting... the list goes on. Each name chosen is designed to be simple and help reinforce the basic theme of the event (aka shooting happened in an elementary school in Sandy Hook), as part of an overall branding campaign which is put out by the MSM (in a coordinated fashion) after each event as part of an overall strategy to start "selling" the general public the wanted script surrounding each event. They understand if every MSM outlet referred to each event by 100 different names the overall psy-op isn't nearly as effective (repetition is key... which is why the exact same name is parroted on all major MSM networks at exactly the same time in each case). The chosen name for each is simply designed to create uniformity across all networks as they start to sell the wanted story to the masses (it gives them a uniform starting point to start building the chaotic lie onto, attaching a hero, selling the bad guy and so on).

Well anyone paying any attention at all knows already that the end script that is sold to us in each case is complete bullshit... and by agreeing to call each event by the MSM given name, we are in part agreeing to play along with their bullshit branding campaign to support the lie (I mean why call it the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting... when no actual shooting happened at Sandy Hook?). From now on when referring to any of these created and/or completely bullshit events, we should stop using the MSM chosen name, and instead should put the lie right back in their face by referring to each event by its PRIMARY official drill/exercise name (the element responsible for the go-live trigger from drill to real world).

9/11 should be referred to as Amalgam Virgo (StratCom Amalgam Virgo 2001 (77/93) & Amalgam Virgo 2002 (11/175))

The Sandy Hook Shooting should be referred to as CAPSTONE 13 (FEMA National Exercise Program 2013 Capstone Exercise)

The Boston Bombing should be referred to as Urban Shield Boston (DHS Urban Shield Boston 2013)

The LAX Shooting should be referred to as Urban Shield California (DHS Urban Shield California 2013)

Next time you talk about one of these false flag events with someone, try calling it by its official drill name, it might at least get the person you are talking to interested and asking questions (wtf is Urban Shield... Capstone what? Amalgam huh?), which starts the conversation in the right place... focusing on the primary drill that IS responsible for each false flag event!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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