Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
On October 31st 2016, I had a weird vivid dream in which I was told 'Christ comes the 5th!' with the number 7, then preceded by the number 6 (on the left side of the 7), then by the numbers 01 and 02 below these numbers.
I was really surprised to say the least for it was related to the arrival of ET ships.
6 seems to be June. 7 seems to be July. It happens that this week ends with the 1st and the 2nd of July (numbers 01 and 02).
Now, the 5th could be next Wednesday (July 5th) or the 5th of the month following July, that is to say August 5th which happens to be 5 weeks after June, given that in that case 01 and 02 would be the numbers of weeks from early July before Christ comes.
It happens that we are in the year 5777, the 10th Jubilee of the prophecy of Rabbi Judah ben Samuel:
Just before he died, in the year 1217, he prophesied that the Ottoman Turks would rule over the Holy City of Jerusalem for 8 Jubilees. 8 x 50 = 400 years.
The Turks indeed took control of Jerusalem 300 years after his death, in 1517, and his prophecy came to pass, as the Ottoman Turks then lost Jerusalem in 1917. Exactly 400 years later! During WWI, British General Edmund Allenby walked into Jerusalem, on Hanukkah 1917, without firing a shot. The Rabbi went on to prophesy that after the 8 Jubilees, the 9th Jubilee would have Jerusalem being “a no-man’s-land”. The 9th Jubilee was from 1917 to 1967, and he was “right on” again with his prophecy. The Holy Land was placed under British Mandate in 1917 by the League of Nations and literally “belonged” to no nation.
Even after Israel’s war of Independence in 1948-49, Jerusalem was divided by a strip of land running right through the heart of the city, with Jordan controlling the Eastern part of the City and Israel controlling the Western part of the City. That strip of land was considered and called “no-man’s land” by both the Israelis and the Jordanians. The Rabbi then stated that in the 10th Jubilee “Jerusalem would be controlled by Israel”, which it has been ever since the Six Day War of 1967! His Prophecy continued, that “THEN” the Messianic end times will begin. The “THEN” refers to the end of the 10th Jubilee, and the beginning of the new, which would be 2017, or, the Year 5777!
It also happens that 2017 is the year following the 62 'sevens' (434 years) from the decreed Gregorian calendar (October 15 1582) and 7 'sevens' from the Knesset decree to rebuilt Jerusalem (June 28 1967).
It happens that 2017 is the year ending the Christian era (precisely on August 31st 2017) after Christ's resurrection (April 3 33 AD + 3 days) when computing 7 fractal periods (7 churches periods) of 1,000 + 500 + 250 + 125 + 62.5 + 31.25 + 15.625 years).
It happens that 2017 is the year ending the 7 heavenly years of 365 years from the 539 BC Cyrus the Great conquest of Babylon when Christ (same description in DAN 10 and REV 1) said he will come with the Prince of Greece to fight the Prince of the kingdom of Persia, aka Satan.
In my dream / vision, the coming of Christ was preceded by another UFO event big enough to be noticed by the MSM. So, these two UFO events should be VERY NEAR. Maybe tomorrow for the first one (transition between month #6 and month #7).