[Faith can alter reality? If I have enough faith in something, faith makes it true??]
No matter how much faith I have, if I jump off the top of my building, I will fall to my death.
Gravity is kind of like God's way of teaching us not to have faith in stupid things.
Of course! Isn't it obvious? The babble tells us that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. And ever since those words were first uttered, cartographers and geologists have been plagued by the fact that the location of mountains is constantly shifting due to the faith of believers.
What? You say that doesn't happen? Hah! That just shows your lack of faith!
Hmmm...I'm a MtF transgender, and I believe very firmly that one day I'll wake up in the right fucking body. I would like that more than anything in the world, and believe that any loving deity would make it happen.
So far, it hasn't happened. So, you're fucking wrong.
Tried this for years, didn't work. Woke up and got on with my life.
Actually changing your life works a lot better than sitting around waiting for sky-daddy to kiss all your boo-boos better.
I have faith that my gods are going to make my back better, get me back with both of my exes, I will have millions of dollars in my account, the evil ones will be defeated and thus this world will have the means of Paradise about it.
Hmm.. I did get a text message. Nope not from an ex. I guess I can still have faith but I shouldn't rely on it to make everything.
Shhhhh... it's The Secret...
But come on, now. Either all of these faithful people have really, really mundane wishes so that none of us notice them changing reality - or this is just crap.
So how come Carmen Electra, Alyssa Milano, Jessica Alba and that hot chick from Transformers hasnt shown up at my door naked with briefcases full of $100 bills???
Oh..thats right, there IS a difference between reality and fantasy..aka "faith" ....but ohh i can dream cant I?
I remember hearing about the mustard seeds-sized faith stuff when I was a little boy in a fundie church. I'd always try and jump off things and stay aloft, and I failed everytime. I would get so angry that I didn't have any faith at all. Fortunately I was also a smart kid, so I never jumped off anything tall.
Not another Caged Wisdom viewer who doesn't understand the concept of a blooper reel.
He meant to say "Faith is a facet", FAITH IS NOT A FACT!
I have faith that, when I wake up tomorrow, I will have a diamond-encrusted pony rocket waiting in the parking spot downstairs, and when I wake up, I will be snuggled up in a lovenest full of handsome menfolk.
It still hasn't happened yet, though.
(Does faith = Carrie powers somehow? Wtf.)
Here's a little experiment:
1) Believe that you can pass through walls.
2) Run into a wall head first, as fast as you can.
3) Repeat until you manage to pound some sense through that thick skull.
No, Inan3, it won't do quat for you. If you go to one of those nutball snake-chucker churches, it won't save you from snakebite. It won't move mountains for you. It won't get me a wild evening with Kate Winslet...
Q u o t e:
I find it funny when people say you need to prove that God exists before believing.
You're going to use logic, a rule of reality, to deny the existence of God who created this reality?
FSTDT material"
Indeed. Lol.
So, if I were to have complete faith that God doesn't exist, and the fundie here has complete faith that God does exist, who wins?
Maybe it'd just be easier to FAITH my way to an orbital laser which I could use to fry every fundie in the bible belt.
*Checks CNN*
nope, no fried fundies. Looks like you are WRONG Inan3!
so then you must be an idealist, correct? if the universe consists entirely of thought and faith, would that completely nullify the possibility of a god? in fact, your comment would suggest that your concept of "god" is actually the collective subconscious of every living thing in the universe.
blasphemer! your thinking borders on buddhism! stone the heretic!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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