LordElthibar #fundie deviantart.com
unstablestopsign: marriage is for love. whether it's a guy and a girl or two girls. build yourself a bridge and get over it
LordElthibar: Wrong. Marriage is a sacred institution between one man and one woman. And no Church should be forced to ordain a gay "marriage."
unstablestopsign: I went to a fucking mental hospital because of ignorant homophobes like you trying to tell me what love is and what it's not. It's assholes like you why kids are committing suicide and giving religion a bad name.
LordElthibar: I'm not ignorant. I understand the harsh reality of life. Don't blame me or people like me for the suicide of others. Do I force these people to commit suicide? No! They take their own lives!
Stop trying to guilt trip people. It makes your side only look bad and more aggressive.
unstablestopsign: You slam gay people with the bible think it'll turn them straight magically. It gives them this mindset to think they're broken and worthless such as myself. Please understand no matter how much bible verses you throw at gay people you're not changing who they love.
LordElthibar: No, I'm slamming their behavior. They are not worthless at all. They can be honest businessmen, layers, voters, and teachers. But marriage is not a thing that they are qualified for.