Whites aren't even part of the human race, they're European.
I love white meat.
So, I'm not a cannibal after all?
*pulls dead, white, christian baby from freezer*
This does not belong on here, it's obviously a joke pointing out the stupidity of the original racist post, for fuck sake.
I see even those in the FSTDT community can miss the point by a mile.
Shame on the submitter for this. Getting sarcasm fail!
Now, remove this quote and brand both the submitter and the approver both with the word "twat".
Mathew Cole - missing-the-point-fail.
No one is saying this doesn't belong because it's an anti-white comment and therefore not racist. Did you even read all the comments for this submission? I can't see how you came to that conclusion if you did. Perhaps you ignored what everyone said in favour of what you already decided everyone was probably saying. Click on the link at the bottom of the quote to see the comment in its orginal context.
Seriously, the community here is slipping. People can't even detect simple, plain, obvious sarcasm. Next we will be seeing all those "fixed!" comments getting approved for submission. Maybe the stupid is rubbing off on us from reading all the quotes on this site or something.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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