BTW, one thing that gets me is that the feminists are really up in arms over this incident [the Elliot Rogers shooting], when the truth is that men kill women over sexual anger/frustration all the time in this country. It’s probably the single biggest motive in male-on-female violence, and it doesn’t have anything to do with MRAs 99.9%+ of the time. Why not work on reducing this kind of violence? Oh, right— Because it would mean curtailing women’s absolute, unquestionable right to sexual freedom.
As a straight male I resent the notion that men have an uncontrollable lust for sex, which spills over to violence if a woman refuses. W.F.Price and other MRAs need to grow up and realise that they cannot control women and it's perfectly normal and fine for a woman to say no when a man asks for sex.
You mean the womans right to not take orders from any man at any time?
That's what you meant. Right, dumb-fuck? You'd like that weird modern right to go away so it can be wonderous and perfect like it was never?
It's about time for you people to admit your worldview is not only ridiculously stupid but that it indeed would be the end of civilization on Earth if it was ever adopted by a nation of idiots.
Men not being able to cope with the same song and dance, parry and thrust that has always existed between men and women is not the changes women have grown into but the inability for some men to adjust mostly due to stupid ideaologies that didn't ever fucking work.
The rampage and manifesto shows me only one thing. A 22 year old well-off, nice car, ok looking guy can't get a girlfriend because he was corrupted by incredibly wrong and stupid concepts of how such relationships should work that he creeped out every girl he met.
By the way folks, Elliot Rogers was a regular on one of those Incel woman hater sites that have been featured on FSTDTs on occasion, a Fundie of Malecentric leanings who was led in the wrong direction by guys who think (certainly unrealistically wish) women should obey all male directives.
BTW, one thing that gets me is that the gun nuts are NOT really up in arms over this incident [the Elliot Rogers shooting], when the truth is that men kill women over sexual anger/frustration all the time in this country. It’s probably the single biggest motive in male-on-female violence, and it doesn’t have anything to do with MRAs 99.9%+ of the time. Why not work on reducing this kind of violence? Oh, right
Because it would mean curtailing their absolute, unquestionable right to own any and every gun they possibly can.
Oh yes, the absolute sexual freedom of not having sex with every jackass that walks up to them.
Tell you what fucko, you sexually oblige every lonely gay man you meet and THEN you get to say this bullshit without getting the back of my hand.
I'll still call you an idiot though, because you're a fucking idiot.
I resent the implication that I'm nothing more than a lust driven violent psychopath.
I'm a man, I have this thing called "self control"
Why not work on reducing this kind of violence? Oh, right
Because it would mean curtailing women’s absolute, unquestionable right to sexual freedom.
Perhaps then you should work on the reduction of the murder rate by killing yourself.
Rogers' action really has little to do with feminism. Every mass killer always has some irrational (to the rest of us) explanation, and they're rarely the same. For the Unibomber, it was hatred of technology. For the Olympic bomber, it was hatred of abortion. For Timothy McVeigh, it was hatred of government. For the 9/11 bombers, it was hatred of America.
Price is obviously full of crap. Men killing or abusing women is a genuine social problem. I just don't think we should look to Rogers as a poster child for its symptoms. Sometimes people are just nuts. It's useless to ponder over their stated motives.
" would mean curtailling women's absolute, unquestionable right to sexual freedom."
Which men alone are supposed to have, while women should be forced to put out for any creep who looks in her direction, right?
So your solution to violence against women is having women put out more?
Remember you said that if you ever end up in prison and face the choice between rape or death. Maybe you'll think differently about what it means to have sexual freedom.
I second Mark and Yossarian. These "MRA"s not only make anyone who legitimately tries to adress male gender issues bad, they make everyone who is a male look bad. I have self control. Even if I phisically needed sex every second of the day, I would never allow myself to take advantage of or hurt anyone.
So you think people can commit murders whenever they are refused sex by a woman and that, furthermore, their "unquestionable right to sexual freedom" should be curtailed, in fact turning them into mere sex toys.
I would say to you, kindly, to follow Hasan Prishtina's advice, and especialy because, as Canadiest said, Mr. Rogers went regularily to MRAs' websites .
(5/31) Added the phrase between "in fact turning them" and "sex toys"
"Oh, right
Because it would mean curtailing women’s absolute, unquestionable right to sexual freedom."
Actually, yes, that's precisely the reason you stupid fucker. Women are not things and therefore have a right to control their own bodies.
When I read your response I thought at first you meant THE Mr. Rogers and you very nearly killed my childhood.
So we shouldn't be outraged when something like this happens? Also, why shouldn't women have an absolute, unquestionable right to sexual freedom?
Also also, DIAF you sick prick.
Keep an eye on this charming young man, he'll be in the news soon as well. Hopefully the only fatality in his case/rampage will be his own.
Price is a disgrace to humanity.
So... Mary Jane Lick Sick/GG Anus/Loco in the Coco much, W.T.F. Price?
Admitted you're an inferior subhuman MRE much? Just so's we know...!
@Anon-e-Moose: I'm pretty sure Price is NOT the Periodically-Celibate Weblogger. Do you seriously think only one person can ever hold such views at a time?
That said, I get the impression that Rodgers and the PCW think they have some kind of halo that infallibly suggests "perfect bedmate" to every woman (whether heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual) in eyeshot. And given the PCW's obviously sky-high pride and self-righteousness, comparing them to nobles of old who thought having to get anything by ANY means except appealing to entitlement was beneath them is probably merited.
Somehow, they think they're natural aristocracy.
"Why not work on reducing this kind of violence? Oh, right
Because it would mean curtailing women’s absolute, unquestionable right to sexual freedom."
No, it would mean curbing boys' entitlement issues. For example, you seem to think - wrongly - that you are entitled to have sex with people, regardless of whether they have any interest in having sex with you (possibly because no one in their right mind would have any interest in having sex with you.) Because you are reasoning from this false premise, you come to the incorrect conclusion that any civilised person will actually accept 'sexual frustration' as an excuse for your disgusting behaviour. The problem isn't that women won't sleep with you; it's that you're a whiny brat who can't handle your own inadequacy.
As it happens, feminists of both sexes are trying to deal with that issue, by reducing the number of whiny brats in this world, and replacing them with mature, capable men, who can deal with rejection because their self confidence isn't based in their pants. There are millions of men in this world who possess the basic impulse control to get through the day without having sex, and without having an emotional breakdown over it. It is not my fault that you are not one of them, and I do not accept your excuses. Your actions are your responsibility.
Man kills women, men blame women for men killing women because women don't do enough to stop male violence toward women. Astounding MRA logic in action. I wonder what the POS MRAs are doing to curtail male violence? What? Nothing? You don't say... But of course if women were "reigned in," like the anti-woman rightists want, no violence would ever befall women. Never, ever.
Somehow I imagine if women went about shooting men that the shithead male-privilege-4ever crowd would have objections.
"@ Canadiest
What is your source for the info about him frequenting an MRA site?"
Search; Elliot Rogers Incel.
Not MRA but "Involuntary celibate" whiner sites. They carry much of the same beliefs as MRA (had to look that up) sites and blame all their shortcomings on women.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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