David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Society also hurts marriages through incarceration. Prison is sinful and wrong. The Bible teaches either restitution or execution (depending upon the crime). There were no prisons in Israel during early Old Testament times. It is sinful to separate a husband and wife. God never intended for humans to be caged like animals. This is one reason God instituted the death penalty. It is unfair for a wife to suffer because her husband goes to prison for life. The Bible says she is committing adultery if she remarries (Matthew 5:32). So what does she do? The same is true with the husband, what is he to do if his wife is taken away from him for a life sentence in prison? It is happening right now in America! It was the heathen world that created prisons as a means of obtaining free labor, which is still happening in some places in America today. Prisons are big business! God did not create prisons. It is man's own wickedness that has made the entire planet a big prison. So again, no one should ever come between a husband and wife! This is what God says!



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