Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Warm winter?? Manipulation to bring about "climate chaos"??
Where did the winter go?? The U.S. is not what is normally is at this time of the year.. It sure does not feel like winter time, that's for sure! I've been thinking.. MSM has been trying to push this new "global climate crisis" especially with the climate conference in Paris going on, COP21, ect...
Saw a video online that claimed large amounts of aluminum being sprayed over the United States right now to cause colder air to go around the U.S. Which is delaying our winter and causing birds to go missing and die, yet again..
Could also be a byproduct of some HAARP manipulation to try and fake this climate chaos.. What do you guys think?? This whole freaky warm winter just doesn't feel right, especially with all this talk about climate change..