Carico #fundie

A thread in which our beloved Carico stumbles from one disastrous misconception to another:

"...what caused the order of the universe, the position of the sun that just happens to give the appropriate amount of heat and light to the earth for life to exist, the moon & stars that "just happen" to be in the right path of the sun to reflect light to the earth at night?"


"Do you understand that if the sun were one fraction of a centimeter closer to or farther from the earth, that life cloudn't surive on earth?"

And later, after being challenged on it:

"That's hogwash. All you have to do is ask any scientist what would happen if the sun were a fraction of a centimeter closer to or farther from the earth. Even people with common sense would know what would happen."



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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