All the lights you see in the sky are actually ships trying to leave the black hole called EARTH
the lights are the ass end thrust expulsions from hundreds of ships that left Earth when CERN was first built 45000 yrs ago.
What looks like the sun is the last ship to exit and the moon in its tractor beam.
When Satan made CERN the earth became the dencest object in existance pulling everything into a final death,but hundreds of lightworkers built ships to leave earth, the lights in the sky are the trust mechanisms of those ships going away.
Like in startrec when a ship warps out it leaves behind a dot of light that actuially doesnt exist but remains visible in a time warp long after its gone.
Earth is sucking all matter into it as it shrinks and condences into death itself.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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