TruthNow88 #conspiracy
The Truth About TWO Day Sandy Hook Event (Dec 13 & Dec 14) - Advanced HSEEP Training
I posted this in another thread ( Thread: Sandy Hook : Well that solves the helicopter footage timeline. ) but a few people suggested I post it as its own post instead so I figured what the hell...
Anyways this is my theory, so feel free to agree or disagree.
I just wanted to share something with you guys as I have also been following the Sandy Hook event fairly closely in the background and I wanted to share a somewhat unique perspective I have on what I feel is a very misunderstood element surrounding the Sandy Hook shooting and how it was rolled out to the public. My hope is by the end of this you at least somewhat get where I am coming from, and I feel understanding this element really helps see the event and the "evidence" surrounding it much more clearly.
Before I start, without getting to long winded, I specialized in following and researching HSEEP protocols and how they apply to various events. My research into HSEEP started after SH and carried into Boston and LAX (at which point I was following HSEEP and its connected aspects so closely that I predicted a fake AR shooting at LAX almost to the day (was off by 2 days) over 2 weeks before the event is said to of taken place). Anyways I guess my point is I really follow how HSEEP protocols work, how they are built and how they are applied to the drill environment in a dynamic fashion.
When it comes to HSEEP drills you first have to understand how a MSEL works. Think of an MSEL as the script... even better yet think of the MSEL as a choose your own adventure book. A drill framework is designed into a story and put into an MSEL, and each element of the story is given various different pathways/branches the controllers can choose to activate or go down at any point in time during the drill (via injects).
Example: The (a - suspect, b suspects) arrives at the (a - school, b - hospital, c - mall) in a (a - car, b - van, c - on foot), carrying (a - 2 handguns, b - an ar15 & 2 handguns, c - 4 handguns) while leaving (a - 1 ar15 & 1 shotgun, b - 2 handguns, c - 1 ar15) in the (a - trunk, b - backseat) before entering the building by (a - being buzzed in, b - shooting way in, c - walking in open door)...
I think you get my point. Anyways the reason they do this is based on the main doctrine of HSEEP event control, which is the ability to alter/tweak elements on the fly and see how people respond to the dynamic change in real time. This is VERY important to understand.
To understand Sandy Hook fully you MUST look at it the same way but to do that you must realize a highly MISUNDERSTOOD element surrounding that event... That is the fact that the drill in question actually took place on Dec 13, 2012 NOT Dec 14, 2012... Let me explain... Understand the goal of this event was not to just do a drill and pass it off as real, it goes beyond that. If they just wanted to run a fake event and play it off as real, then why not at least fake a realistic response to it to help sell it right? Why no medical response to at least act like they are doing something? Why not have cops running around at the scene on the helicopter video in-front of the school? Why not avoid contradictions? Why not have more kids scheduled to be at the firehouse to sell the "mass evacuation" that much more? I mean That would be the logical thing to do right? If the goal was to fake an event and sell it as being as real as possible. So why don't we see that? Well there is a perfectly good answer.
The reason is the drill itself was only phase 1 of the event, where phase 2 which was the primary goal behind the event was to test the full boundaries of the HSEEP dynamic event control apparatus AFTER an event has already happened. Basically normal HSEEP training involves how much they can tweak/alter an event in real time DURING the active drill, where with Sandy Hook the HSEEP training also involved a 2nd phase which centered around using the same HSEEP framework of dynamic event tweaking but applying it AFTER THE FACT (create 1 story via a drill on dec 13, roll out that event as real on dec 14, then in real time try to tweak elements after the fact to gauge success of story changing abilities, test media response to contradictions and changing info, and lastly assess overall public reaction once everything is said and done).
Example (microcosm):
Can they run a drill with 2 shooters on Dec 13, announce it as real on Dec 14, and then change the story to only 1 shooter as the story develops and have the new story stick/overwrite the old one?
I call it Advanced HSEEP training, and that is exactly what Sandy Hook was...
Here let me explain it a different way, think back to the FEMA Document that some call fake (but I personally believe is 100% real and says it all).
"Exercise play will begin at 8:00 am on December 13th 2012. Play will proceed according to the events outlined in the MSEL, in accordance with established plans and procedures. The exercise will conclude upon the completion of operations and attainment of the exercise objectives, as determined by the Exercise Director/Controller. The exercise is expected to end at 11:59 pm on 12/13/12 and be evaluated on 12/14/12 as a real-time event."
Now think of what that is saying, literally.
1. "Exercise play will begin at 8:00 am on December 13th 2012." = the active drill takes place starting the morning of Dec 13 (not the 14th)
2. "The exercise is expected to end at 11:59 pm on 12/13/12" = the active elements of the drill will end late night Dec 13 (not 14th)
3. "evaluated on 12/14/12 as a real-time event" = roll out the previous days event as if the event is a real event AND as if the event is taking place a day later then it actually did.
Sidenote: #3 is a bit more complex then that, as on Dec 14 they left most of the elements outside of the school up so that the scene outside on both days looked very similar, and they overlapped a bunch of different elements from Dec 14 ontop of the rollout of the Dec 13 drill data to blur the lines between the 2 events (Dec 13 drill + staging area vs Dec 14 just staging area). This is why it is important to understand what elements of evidence are from Dec 13, and what elements of evidence are from Dec 14.
The way I see it the best way to look at the data surrounding that day is to look at every element of that day broken into a specific day in which it took place (which again is over a 2 day period). A few examples of this are...
Elements attached to dec 13 (drill) are...
1.Actual drill at SH (FEMA, involving children from St Rose of Lima using the nearby and closed Sandy Hook Elementary)
2.Police Scanner recordings (all, 24 hour delayed release)
3.SH drill participant interviews (morning, 24 hour delayed release)
4.Drill evacuation images (select few, 24 hour delayed release)
5.Social/news/charity prep (most with 24 hour delay, except for "official" drill partners like United Way which intentionally posted their content early and aligned with the live drill itself)
6.investigation at the house NEXT to the lanza house (34 Yogananda St)
sidenote: The 30 students involved in the FEMA drill on Dec 13, 2012 were St Rose of Lima Students, which played out the drill at the nearby closed Sandy Hook Elementary (26 of which surirve in the drill).
Elements attached to dec 14 (delayed release + reaction gauging & tweaking) are...
1.Social/news/charity posting (after the 24 hour delay to trigger as if something is going on for real on the 14th)
2.9/11 Calls (all made on Dec 14 to help SELL the previous days drill script as if it is JUST now happening for real on the 14th, all called in via the CT State police)
3.St Rose of Lima child interviews (they went into the school and evacuated it after the non-event on dec 14, scared the shit out of the kids (again for some...), and then interviewed them and mixed their accounts in with the SH interviews (from the day prior) as if they are referring to the same thing on the same day (which they are not)).
4.helicopter videos (taken of the staging area setup on Dec 14 to again help sell the idea that a breaking event is taking place on Dec 14th (which there wasn't))
5.dashcam videos (taken on Dec 14 (timestamp off by a few mins).
6.investigation at the lanza house (36 Yogananda St)
Think of it, ever wonder why the dashcam videos, helicopter videos and police scanner recordings all dont line up? It's because they are from different days and/or times all-together. The police scanners were part of the active drill (Phase 1, Dec 13), while the helicopter videos are from the next day of the staging area & firehouse (Phase 2 (staging), Dec 14) while the dashcams were also part of the next days staging area (Phase 2, Dec 14 (timestamp off by few mins)), .
This same thing can be applied to basically all elements of that day, and can really help put a better perspective on what is happening in each case. You just have to really factor in that each elements either attached to either the drill (Dec 13) OR the rollout (Dec 14).
As far as I can tell most the drill elements (Dec 13) were presented primarily by the following means, drill police scanner recordings, initial written interviews/reports (most of which got tweaked/removed over time such as the Principle Dawn interview), and MSM reporters initial reports (which again over time mostly changed)... while the rollout elements or dynamic after-action tweaks (Dec 14) were presented primarily by more visual means such as the damcams, the helicopter videos, most the in person interviews and live MSM stories TELLING us what what happening and what to think (which again got tweaked slowly through the day as part of Phase 2 rollout).