homosexuality is just as sick as marrying a dog or a dead body, it is beyond sick - satanic is more like it
So homosexuality is WORSE than bestiality and necrophilia?
Even though homosexuals are capable of giving consent, whereas animals and corpses are not?
@ clockworkgirl21:
Where's that from?
homosexuality is just as sick as marrying a dog or a dead body, it is beyond sick - satanic is more like it
...said a member of the group that practices blood rituals and symbolic cannabalism.
These people talk so often of marriage to non-human animals and even dead humans, yet we who see nothing wrong with having sex and/or being in love with a living, adult human who happens to have the same gender, are the sick, perverted ones who need help??
I most definitely do NOT want some of what zakuta is smoking.
@clockworkgirl21 (#816025): Henrietta 13 died.
Condolences. Was it dysentery?
(If a future autopsy were to be performed, would she have to be dysenterred?)
The idea of hot sweaty man on man action kinda sickens me too but I've got a neat little trick for dealing with that, I don't have sex with men. It's a radical idea I know but just try it, you'll find once you stop blowing dudes in restrooms the whole gay thing stops affecting your life quite so negatively.
I love how this person seems to consider having opposite genitalia more important to marriage than the capacity to consent or even life.
I wonder if he's married, and if so- how's that working out for him?
"homosexuality is just as sick as marrying a dog or a dead body"
Now, care to point out on this doll where the nasty Homosexual Agenda touched you [i[personally...?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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