Mark Shephard #fundie
Just as we in the United States were preparing for the annual celebration, marking the most amazing national experiment in liberty, our nation was mortally wounded.
But make no mistake about its source as it was administered by our own hand and is far more devastating than any external adversary could inflict. The very center of our nation raced to embrace ideas completely contrary to the created order. Those entrusted with the stewardship of our government, drank a lie and have now drunkenly dragged our entire nation into deception branded as truth.
Twice in one week our highest court, having no authority to make law, twisted clear meanings of words to create law out of thin air. When words in law are allowed to take on any meaning, none of our rights as Americans are secure. Truly, we live in an “ends justifies the means” time. Our founding documents were not forged to guarantee particular ends, but rather the means by which we may live free lives to forge our own, individual ends. Yet as of last week, the clear meanings of the laws defining our liberty were thrown aside by an “all-powerful” government of humans presuming themselves superior to nature and nature’s God.
A few thousand years ago our Creator God cast a rainbow in the sky as a sign He would never again destroy mankind with a flood. Thus the rainbow signified God’s protection of, patience with, commitment to and love for humankind, His highest creation. Those who mock the very creation of man, by openly parading unnatural, destructive, unbounded sexuality in streets, legislative bodies and courts, have stolen that very symbol and use it to represent defiance against God and His amazing creation. With God’s symbol of love for His creation, the mockers force their out-of-control perverse sensual ways on our entire nation and beyond, trampling over anyone who dares to question the wisdom of their path. The freedom to express rational thought is all but gone in America today.
Prior to the flood, which is solidly supported by fossil records and anthropological findings throughout the world, man was on a suicidal path. The flood saved mankind from extinction when God put Noah, his family and animals of all species on a very literal floating zoo. He put them on as male and female pairs, not male and male or female and female.
The evil so blatantly paraded in recent years by ISIS and other killers of the innocent has helped me understand why God had to wipe out mankind to save mankind. While we strive against such evil, we must come to terms that we as a nation are not without innocent blood on our hands. Indeed we have “legally” snuffed out over 50 million innocent American lives in the past 40 years by abortion. That is equivalent to wiping out twice the population of Vermont every year; almost 3500 little lives every day for forty straight years!