RobertByers #fundie
I am not educated like you but always find in my studies how poorly thought thru and poorly evidenced the claims of evolution and company are.
They constantly reveal how everything is based on minor data collecting and major speculation.
Evolution, as is, will come crashing down under pressure from more intelligent people entering these fields. they will undercut their teachers.
this is why creationists must histle to be in on the kill. Otherwise they will just revamp everything. I suspect ID'ers are the future. They will reject Darwinian evolution but pick up something more plausible.
A great aid to fight evolution, as is, is to just explain what it is. the public who accept evolution think its from complex well documented inner abilities of biology. to show them that complexity in biology is claimed to be from mutation and selection would astonish them.
Creationists need only show evolution in its claims.