Thugstar #fundie

It's kind of funny. If we were so called "evolving" wouldn't we still evolve now? Why is every human on the planet in the same stage of evolution? Why wouldn't 1 group of people evolve less than another? Some people are still cannibals but they are just as intelligent as us.
Do insects become humans? What actually became humans? Insects have been around since the beginning of earth though only the humans evolved? Honestly what kind of creature was the beginning of evolution human?
Humans as far as humans can remember have always been what we are today. Isn't it a bit too coincidental that we are at the peak of evolution? If evolution is true it should always continue and we should turn into giants as large as mountains in a few million years because evolution believers believe humans were as large as insects before so why wouldn't we evolve into planets or something? There, a new theory for you. Every planet is an evolved human.



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