Thomas Kollowitz #conspiracy

When a 'prince' puts up BILLIONS to erase Trump... When billionaire Soros puts up BILLIONS to erase Trump... When PUTIN, a socialist, contacts Trump and tells him to be careful because PUTIN had evidence there was a HIT out for Trump.... When media, GOP, and DEMs are using every tactic to destroy Trump..... How can ONE MAN scare the pants off so many people?????? AND WHY???????
Any intelligent person would understand quickly and easily: Trump is on to their plans to destroy America and her allies, and to take control and employ sharia law.
In 1979, a leader in The Muslim Brotherhood, VERNON JARRETT, wrote a column for The Chicago Tribune. He stated that the Brotherhood intended to dump millions into creating racial hatred in America and take over. He said they estimated it would take THIRTY YEARS for the plan to work.
1979 - 2009??? Thirty years!
Right about that time there was a nationwide story about a young black girl who was supposedly gang raped by several white men. Remember TAWANA BRAWLEY???? The first time ever hearing the name AL SHARPTON? JESSE JACKSON? And learning the rape was made up. Tawana was probably paid quite handsomely for going along with the story that ruined her life.
The LA RIOTS followed. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Black only pageants, TV channels, movies, neighborhoods, gangs, colleges, scholarships, and the list goes on. Suddenly, they were BLACK, not colored. AFRICAN AMERICAN instead of Negro.
A very interesting tidbit here is the picture that was associated with the article: several Muslims in Royal garb, standing around a very young black man who was signing a document. This black male looks identical to a young Obama, who has been groomed most of his life to fool Americans as the final task in the 30-year plan to destroy America and Americans.
Now, do you know who lives in the White House and keeps Obama under her thumb? VALERIE JARRETT!!!! She is the daughter-in-law, and bigwig in The Muslim Brotherhood, to the now deceased former head of The Muslim Brotherhood, VERNON JARRETT.
Look up '1979 Vernon Jarrett,' 'Operation PAPERCLIP,' 'Iran Revolution,' 'Vaccines and Population Control.' Ask WHY FEMA (concentration) camps have sprouted all over America since 2008 and ask who is running them? Ask what happened to the missing Billions of dollars from Hillary's State Department account, and where the millions in ammunition and billions is weaponry and tanks and armored vehicles went that was purchased in 2008.
Tell me again how ONE MAN can scare the pants off SO MANY - especially in the Muslim world.
Donald Trump is not a politician. He is a very smart businessman and a wonderfully dedicated father and family man. He has made mistakes, been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and has taken a lot of hits. He does NOT need anyone's money, he has thousands of his own personal friends, and he CANNOT BE BOUGHT.
He does NOT need the title of POTUS. He is already PRESIDENT of so, so many companies. He does not need to be the king of anything except his home - his own castle.
Most importantly, and think about this carefully, he certainly does not need to have to constantly 'duck and cover' from the hundreds of death threats he keeps getting - mostly from foreign princes and rich Americans who are entrenched in the bowels of NEW WORLD ORDER and THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.
So tell me, why would a man who has it all, who wants for nothing, who has success, who has the love and admiration of his gorgeous wife and intelligent children ......... who has no truly definable or understandable reason to put himself out there, where is has to deal with death threats and name-calling and hectic schedules ....... Why would he do it?
I will tell you why. Because he has been around the block more times than most. He has done business in almost every developed foreign country. He has been offered bribes, maybe even been offered the moon, and been threatened about having to do deals with the NEW WORLD ORDER, THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, and other dastardly, murderous, criminal organizations. And he is WELL AWARE OF THEIR PLANS TO DESTROY AMERICA and implement SHARIA LAW!!
Donald Trump knows he has the power, the money, the business sense, the support, and the wherewithal to bring those organizations to their knees. And that he MUST for the sake of his family. We Americans are lucky enough to GET TO ride ON the coattails of his patriotism and love for his family and friends.
Donald Trump, with all that he has, is putting HIS LIFE on the line for US! For AMERICA. And for AMERICA's ALLIES.
What will he get in return???? What does he need????? Nothing. Except for the safety, security and future for his family and for America.
If it is left up to the GOP and DEMS, they will MURDER TRUMP before we ever have an election!!!!!
Did you know there are hundreds of FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS all over America right now, LOADED with muslin terrorists ARMED better than our military (thanks to Hitlery and obummer!)
They are waiting for obummer to call MARTIAL LAW so they can attack! And all that will take is for some of you to react to the threats, intimidation, Black Lives Matter, and others being PAID BY AYRES AND SOROS AND SAUDI PRINCES to STOP TRUMP!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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