Joaquin, "Allahu" has to mean "Allah", not God. The Muslim chant, which is what this is from, is to Allah, not God.
["Andy, the word "Allahu" means in Arab "God". It comes from: Al-lâh. "Al" means "the" and "ilah" means "god"" ]
Joaquin, I have an open mind about this, but Muslims chant to "Allahu" and they're not chanting to "God", but to "Allah".
Allah is Arabic for God, bonehead.
Assfly, your mind is only open in the sense that many of your brain cells may have fallen out.
Muslims worship the same God of Abraham as the Jews. They call Him "Allah" because that's the Arab word for it, just like Jesus called Him "Elah" because that's the Aramaic word for it. Note the similarity - Arabic and Aramaic are closely related languages, like Spanish and Italian.
Open mind ... yeah, so open your brain fell out.
Assfly's an expert on Arabic, now? Bon dieu, duw mawr, gruss gott, allahu akbar, etc.
So what about "Dios" in Spanish, "Deus" in Greek, "Yahweh" (or YHWH, I think) in Hebrew, etc.? English isn't the only language in the world, you ignoramus.
(In the voices of the Python "Pepperpots".)
'Ello Haynoo!
'Ello Heem!
What's on the Telly?
It looks to be a pogrom.
I can see that! What's it about?
Some sod by the name of Shitfly or something's gone and started a dispute about the name of God.
What, again? God's not a name anyway, it's a title.
It's Ya-way.
No it isn't, that's just Hebrew for "who am". The real name's a secret.
Maybe it's Herbert.
It's not Herbert!
It could be, how do you know if it's a secret?
It's NOT Herbert!
(TV announcer) And now it's time for the internecine violence on your TV set to explode....
How'd he know that?
(announcer) It was the only logical outcome.
Apologies to all at Python Ltd.
the original christians surely prayed to "theou", "deus" or "YHWH".
So you cannot be a real christian because you don´t pray to any of these, but instead to "god" ;)
Of course, this douche doesn't even realise that Christians refer to their god as God because the speaking of his true name is forbidden. It's a non-name reference to their one true god, just as the Muslims use Allah.
But what else can you expect from a douche?
Wow, if you continue to read the threat, Andy thinks he know more than the goddamn DICTIONARY.
This guy has his head up his own ass so much, he is currently licking his small intestinal wall.
That, or he is a potato.
I don't know how I can still be routinely appalled by the ubiquitous ignorance Andy Schlafly expresses, but he seems to make it possible.
"Joaquin, I have an open mind about this, but Muslims chant to "Allahu" and they're not chanting to "God", but to "Allah".
Translation: "Joaquin, lalalalala I can't hear you, lalalala."
Does Andy think "God" and "Allah" are the actual names of gods? I mean, little kids go through a phase where they wonder why Mommy calls Daddy "Dave" or "Jake", but they usually figure it out by the time they're toilet trained.
Actually Schalafly, your wrong again. Jewish and Christian Arabs (yes there are Arabs that are not Muslims, just like not all Muslims are Arab) pray to Allah because the word Allah translates to God from Arabic.
But then again anything other Conservapedia's (or more correctly his) translation of the Bible would be viewed as blasphemy.
Of course, if any dictionary (or scientist) disagrees with Andys interpretations, the only reason for this can be, that said dictionary/scientist has fallen prey to liberal bias
Not translating Allah has one purpose. It creates artificial distance between Christianity and Islam. Are there differences? Yes. Is there a different god? No, hence why this particular distance is "artificial."
Untranslated Allah is a relic of 19th-century Orientalism. It's survived only because Americans would rather get their knowledge from relics of 19th-century Orientalism than from actual knowledge. A lie can get halfway across the world before the truth has got its boots on.
And don't trust those horrible Mexicans. They pray to someone called "Dios."
And the Germans pray to someone called "Gott."
They obviously don't worship the same god.
I have a theory.
Andy knows nothing about anyting outside of America, and precious little about anything inside America. Therefor he is unable to grasp the concept of "languages that are not English." Therefor "Allah" must be an English word, and since the English word for God is "God," "Allah" must mean something else.
Hey, it makes as much sense as anything he's ever said.
I have an open mind about this,
Yep, so open your brain fell out.
Does anyone else get a Norman Bates vibe off of Andy? Like he sits at his computer wearing his mothers dress, typing this shit? He just hasn't killed and stuffed his mother (yet).
Written by Antichrist....***sigh***
In a new frenzy of crazy (I knew there was a recent story this reminded me of) there are some muslims that would side with the arsefly.
The Malaysian government has refused to release 10,000 Bibles which it seized because they contained the word Allah to refer to God.
The government, which is dominated by Muslim Malays, claims that the word Allah is Islamic and that its use in Bibles could upset Muslims.
Full story at
So, when we here in Sweden talk to "Gud" (with an U in the middle), we are talking to someone else than your "God" (with an O).
Not the mention the French people, talking to their mysterious "Dieu".
"Joaquin, I have an open mind about this, but Muslims chant to "Allahu" and they're not chanting to "God", but to "Allah"."
In the time of Jesus (and in his locale), the common language was Aramaic. 'God' in Aramaic is Elah. Sounds very much like Allah , hmmmmmm? Elah. Allah. Coincidence? You decide...
"Why do no religious conservatives try to distance themselves from this numbnuts?"
But notice they did when Ted Faggard (who once held great sway in Conservative circles, as well as Evangelical policy & dogma; he even had the ear on a regular basis of George Dumbya Bush) was found having bum fun whilst off his tits on crysal meth, they dropped him like a towel with a skidmark on it; the very church he founded disowned him, and the White House never returned his calls. Fair-weather friends indeed. He's a nobody now. Hoisted by his own hypocritical petard. When I heard on the news about the scandal - after his previous diatribes on homosexuality (especially in the film "Jesus Camp"), the irony was exquisite, and my schadenfreude levels were OVER 9000. Oh, you can bet that the same will happen to Andy Schaftafly.
Pride goes before a fall, after all. Not long now...
Other translations of God
Swahili-Mungu, Allah
What do you expect from Andy..he is off in his own little fantasy land so hard that he has to make his own biased encyclopedia to convince himself that he is correct.
I wish he would let people get memberships..
The name of God in parts of the Bible (which is to say, in the original Hebrew), including Genesis, is Elohim. Now, in Judaism there was sort of a disagreement between the Elohists, who believed God was called Elohim, and the Jahwists, who believed God was called Yahweh, but I won't go into that.
What I will go into is that, in Hebrew, Elohim is morphologically plural; the singular would be Eloah.
So, what I'm basically saying, Andy, is that your God is called Eloah and their god is called Allah, and if you lack the pitifully small amount of imagination required to make the connection there, you really are more shitwitted than even I thought.
Oh, Andy should turn this into a template for future responses!
"I have an open mind about this, but [repeat the point that was just undermined by inconvenient facts]"
That, and sprinkling posts with the word "Godspeed" should get him a few more years into his career of failing the Turing test.
How many more fucking times....Read carefully, now: God and Allah = same thing.
Oh yes, but let's not allow even the simplest of facts to get in the way of our bigotry, eh?
Allah (Arabic) and Elohi (Hebrew) have the same proto-semetic roots. Allah is God, linguistically speaking.
EDIT: Also Muslim takes a lot from the Bible, so you guys are more alike than you like to think, Andy.
Andy, you great flapping twit, please do yourself and everyone else a favor and shut up.
Ugh. Not an image I needed in my head
"...I have an open mind about this" _____________Andy Schlafly
Oh, my head, it hurts now.
Sweden: Gud
Japan: Kami-sama
France: Dieu
Spain: Dios
Malta (by the worshippers at the Church of Malta): Allah
The Church of Malta is one of the oldest established Christian churches (next to the Coptic Church in Egypt). Far older than any Baptist church in the US.
You fail, Andy Schaftafly.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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