Tyler Anderson Coultier #fundie facebook.com

(=A response to the post "Why I consider the KJV only crowd a cult" - ironically the post was written by a known flat earth advocate=)

According to "Scholars" the reason these verses where left out or completely mangled from the Bible is because they found "earlier, more reliable" manuscripts, and these manuscripts where different than the manuscripts the KJV was translated from. They are talking about the sinaciticus and vaticanus texts. The Alexandrian cults created these texts and corrupted the Bible, and rejected throughout the centuries by the church as heretical. Just because we have older different texts doesn't make them the reliable ones. The vast majority of people were using the manuscripts translated into the KJV for centuries.

I do believe you can be from the NIV, there's enough Bible in there to present the gospel. But if you want to become a true bible student you need to switch to the KJV 1611...it's the most reputable and the most used in the history of english speakers. It's the truth and that's why the devil is attacking it so hard and has created these new perversions.

I don't speak greek or hebrew and I'm not going to pretend I know more than the 48 hebrew and Greek scholars who translated the KJV.



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