Shamanz #fundie
I cannot and will not explain who I am. I can tell you that what I have to say should be examined, remembered, and passed along to everyone God gives you the opportunity to interact with, awake and asleep alike. This information was hard won.
I see people still believe this "planet x" disinformation story put out by tptb.
Let me help.
There is no such thing as planet x, or "Nibiru".
When it does show up in the sky, it will be a hologram. The accompanying global disasters will be both man made and sent by God, as his judgements throughout the tribulation period.
TPTB are going to play these judgements off to the people as the "gravitational effects" of the annunaki homeworld, just "arrived", upon the earth, when in fact we will be looking at a hologram.
The "annunaki" are not who you think they are. Neither are the other "aliens" our satanic government has been working with for decades. It is Satan and his fallen ones, and yes the bible also explains why they are giants, so don't let that freak you out either.
TPTB have been brainwashing the world with the "aliens" meme since the fallen ones finished their 70 generation prison sentence in the earth, about 1905, and once again began to interact with mankind upon the earth.
After a tentative period of gaining the trust of the earth's elite and powerful men, the fallen began, once again, to teach forbidden arts and technologies to mankind, just as in the days of Enoch and Noah.
All our advanced technologies along with dark occult wisdom and many other fixtures of society are all the product of information exchange between humans and fallen angels.
The coming trans-humanist movement, Gene splicing, mixing one species with another, this has all happened before. The new twist is the melding of man and machine. The fallen ones have been planning this for a long, long time. Since the beginning, actually. It's the great deception of the end times. Don't be fooled or you are lost.
The book of Enoch, and The book of Jasher, among others, document all this quite well. It was these sins of the fallen and their offspring, amongst other things, that so provoked God to flood the Earth in antiquity and destroy all the genetic mutations that had taken place. Remember, Noah was chosen because he was "perfect in his generations". His DNA was clean.
The future was written in scripture long ago. Many things are known to me. If any among you lack wisdom, let him ask it of God, and He will help you see. If you seek, you shall find. Ask, and you will receive.
Jesus said "Just as in the days of Noah, so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be."
I'd say those days are here.