I'm not homophobic just because I think it's wrong. Am I sinophobic? Am I Satanophobic? Am I abortionophobic? Am I rapeophobic? Am I murderophobic? Am I lieophophic? Am I churchophobic? Am I governmentophobic? Am I bestialitiophobic? Am I Catholiphobic?
No. Phobia means "a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object." No fear here. The only "thing" I fear is God Almighty.
Are you truthophobic?
More than anything, I am dogmaphobic. People like you who let your irrational fear of your God delusion (sorry Dawkins) let you rationalize trying to control my life, quite frankly, scare me. Much in the same way that a rabid dog scares me.
Are you truthophobic?
No, but you are.
Am I sinophobic? Am I Satanophobic? Am I abortionophobic? Am I rapeophobic? Am I murderophobic? Am I lieophophic? Am I churchophobic? Am I governmentophobic? Am I bestialitiophobic? Am I Catholiphobic?
Well, you're obviously some kind of a**hole. My biggest challenge here is to figure out what kind.
American Heritage Dictionary:
pho·bi·a (fo'be-?), n.
1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.
(emphasis mine)
Sweet Baby Jesus, why is it when anybody mentions gays, you immediately start running off at the mouth about rape and murder? I'm homophobophobic. There, I said it. You guys are starting to freak me out.
Your tone and misuse of language lead me to suspect that you are an ignorant guttersnipe. Phobia, a Greek word, in correct usage is preceded by another Greek word indicative of the source of the phobia. It is not the done thing to prefix an English term. It just shows up your level of linguistic incompetence.
Try again!
Oh, and whilst you many not be described by any of those misconstrued terms, you most certainly are an anti-gay bigot.
Actually 'homophobia' doesn't refer to a fear of homosexuals as many think it does. It refers to a person being afraid of their own homosexual feelings, which makes them lash out, sometimes violently, at other homosexuals. Haven't you noticed the disproportional number of anti-homosexual leaders that are found out to have had homosexual relationships?
"Homophobic" just means "bigoted against gay people," which you are if you think being gay is "wrong." Stop taking the word so literally.
Also, loving another human being who happens to have the same set of genitals is in no way comparable to rape or murder. Shut the fuck up.
So there's no fear involved. You don't think homosexuals are pedophiles or are going to try to "convert" your children to the "gay lifestyle" - you just find the thought of guys having sex with each other in the privacy of their bedroom distasteful. You'll excuse me if I don't believe that. I find eating octopus distasteful, but I'm not going around trying to stop other people from eating it, even though the Bible says it's an abomination just like gay sex. People wouldn't display the kind of virulence people show against gays if they honestly believed it was a just a matter of taste that had no effect on them personally.
You bigot. What's wrong with chinks and fags? I suppose you also hate niggers, beaners, wops, all the other types of gooks, kikes, and sandniggers. The nerve of this guy.
Your sinophobic, as in you hate Chinese people? Rstdt?
There is no such thing as an "irrational" fear of zombies.
'am I sinophobic? Am I Satanophobic? Am I abortionophobic? Am I rapeophobic? Am I murderophobic? Am I lieophophic? Am I churchophobic? Am I governmentophobic? Am I bestialitiophobic? Am I Catholiphobic?'
No, you're just an incurable bigot...
I'm not homophobic just because I think it's wrong. Am I sinophobic? Am I Satanophobic? Am I abortionophobic? Am I rapeophobic? Am I murderophobic? Am I lieophophic? Am I churchophobic? Am I governmentophobic? Am I bestialitiophobic? Am I Catholiphobic?
Guess how many of those phobias are actually real words?
Am I sinophobic? Am I Satanophobic? Am I abortionophobic? Am I rapeophobic? Am I murderophobic? Am I lieophophic? Am I CHUCHOPHOBIC? Am I governmentophobic? Am I bestialitiophobic? Am I Catholiphobic?
Something here does not belong
@Yama the Space Fish
The original poat says sinophobic, which I assume he meant to mean fear of sin, unforunately due to his ignorance he obviously didn't realise that Sinophobic could mean fear of China or the Chinese
A fundamentalist christian who thinks church is wrong?...what the hell?"
It is more likely than you'd think, actually. Some fundies do think that churches are too "worldly" and sinful and so on, either because there is no church that caters to (their particular brand of) fundyism in their area or because they're that far gone. Usually they start "home-churching" their kids...
"again, why do you people want to worship something you have to fear? fuck your god."
Well, if he existed, an omnipotent, omniscient sky psycho would be pretty scary. Anyway, I remember someone mentioning the whole "fear God" to argue against using the KJ Babble if you don't have a doctorate in English: IIRC, his point was that in the English of the time "to fear" meant/could mean 'to respect" or "to be in awe".
'Truth' is a subjective thing. To quote L. Ron Hubbard:
'What is true, is true for you'
According to your 'truth', 'God' exists. Facts would suggest otherwise. And Fact is an objective thing (1+1=2 & all that jazz).
So no, I'm not afraid of 'truth'.
Are you FACTophobic?
Oh really? Does any of this sound familiar?
- If we approve same-sex marriage, marrying animals will be legal soon!
- Gays will seduce and recruit our children!
- Gays will sue us if we refuse to let them marry in our churches!
- God will smite us all if we recognize same-sex marriage!
- The human race will go extinct because people will only want to marry the same gender!
Let's face it, the entire argument against same sex marriage is wholly dependent on persistent, irrational fear.
"abortionophobic" "rapeophobic" "murderophobic""lieophophic" "churchophobic" "governmentophobic" "bestialitiophobic" "Catholiphobic"
The academics, scholars, lexicographers & etymologists at the OED appreciate your suggestions for inclusion in the next edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, and will give them all the due attention they deserve as they carefully file them in the round file, along with 'Incel' and 'Dawkinsism'.
But if you can think of a word in greater usage than 'Selfie' right now, then maybe it will be included. For if 'Lolcat' can be included, thus become an official word in the English language, therefore...!
...but unfortunately, and while it's included in the OED as a word, your 'God' is merely a concept like 'Tomorrow' or 'Quarter Past Two'. And that's the Truth .
A Rainbow - which doesn't exist - isn't a mere 'concept' however. And thus, as something that doesn't exist but can be seen isn't a concept, therefore II...!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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