Me114 #conspiracy

Russian Hacks and the Strategy of the Elite

Message from Father God on Monday December 12, 2016

Listen, Children, yes I do have something to say about items in your news cycle. I am intimately involved in all the affairs of mankind. I care about what happens with you all. I am at the ready to help you in all your endeavors if you pray to me and ask.

The US mainstream media (MSM) is running a story that the Russians hacked your elections with an intention of helping Donald Trump to win. These claims are lies. There is no evidence. The truth is that Seth Rich leaked the simple fact that there were illegal activities happening at the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and then WikiLeaks hacked the easy password of John Podesta to get all his emails. The hack was not done by Russia at all.

What is more important to understand is that your MSM is lying to you. They are actually lying more than before because of the threat to their ratings from their fiasco leading up to the election. They have been caught in their lies and collusion and now after crying about "Fake News" and releasing lists of alternative media websites, people are turning away from the MSM. People are actually going to the websites listed as fake news to see for themselves. The fake news strategy, therefore, has backfired on the Elite. As well, their hemming and hawing about PizzaGate has caused even more people to investigate the question of pedophile rings existing.

Let us look at some other reasons that they have for spreading the Russia hack meme. They want to lay a foundation in the minds of the people that says that Donald Trump did not win legitimately. They want to delegitimize his presidency, so that they can use that lie to propagate more lies between now and the inauguration. If they cannot stop Trump from being sworn in then they will dog his presidency by saying that he has no true mandate from the people.

Look here: [link to]

"David Brock told reporters on Tuesday that his super PAC, American Bridge, has established a war room that will act as an aggressor and a watchdog for the Trump transition team and his incoming administration."

You might wonder why will they not accept their defeat, move on, and accept Trump's presidency and work with him to make America great again? The other reason is that they want to foment division among the people according to Saul Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals. The elite want chaos because they have always wanted to destroy America and bring her under the control of one world government. Hillary Clinton was supposed to do this job for them.

You must understand that your enemy has not given up. They will continue to try to complete their plans by whatever means necessary. I tell you the truth, the PizzaGate scandal will be their undoing because that is My Will. I want to save the children that they are abusing and murdering. I want them stopped. It is up to you and your outcry for justice in this matter. Continue to expose them and pray to me for assistance in this fight.

At the same time, know that your news media is lying to you and will continue to broadcast blatant and outrageous lies for it is My Will for them to continue to expose themselves so that more people wake up. I ask you to pray for those who host alternative media sites, because they need my help. The elite have passed a bill that they intend to use to censor or even shut down alternative media websites. These truth warriors need My help and protection for their sites, and their YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook accounts. Together, we can defeat this unconstitutional bill and other strategies of the elite to shut down the voices of truth.

Fear not! I am with you in the trenches. I care. This is a battle of the ages for the end is here. I want to see you go out with My Glory upon you because you stood up for the truth. I will bless your work. I will protect you and your families. Trust Me. Pray that certain ones turn back to Me and trust Me to keep their web work in line with My Will and with the Truth. Some have strayed by listening more to their contacts than to Me. Some are fearful of losing their online ministries. They will be successful if they involve Me in all they do and ask Me for protection.

This world is still under My judgment and the end is still nigh. My Son, Jesus is coming back soon as all the signs in the Bible are showing you. What matters on a day to day basis is that you seek My Will and be obedient to My Voice. I want to bless those who are lovers of the truth, and shower them with My Glory as an example to others of My faithfulness. All around the world, people are turning to Me in prayer for various reasons and their faith is pleasing Me. These more God-centered activities are increasing My Mercy and making the judgments less harsh, so far. Keep it up!

Keep Me involved in your life. I love you all very dearly and deeply. I will see you through to the very end and show you My Salvation.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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