carico #fundie
Once people started to deny that sin exists and make up their own "morals" here is what happened:
In the 1960's when the pill was introduced, people began to challenge the idea of "sin" which led them to think that there was nothing wrong with premarital sex. This led to the rise in std's and many more unwanted pregnancies which then led them to figure out what to do with them. So since sin was no longer considered sin, then instead of abstaining from sex, the idea of killing the unborn babies became another viable option. Killing babies then became legalized and many people began to think that we were finally becoming civilized.
Then in then 1970's, premarital sex wasn't enough so the next step was open marriages. This led to swinging, adultery, divorce, and broken familes. Then in the 1980's when adultery wasn't enough, homosexuality began to make its public appearance. This led to the AIDS epidemic which is now considered to be on track as the number one cause of death in the world.
This led to the 1990's where still claiming there's no sin, homosexuals were given socieity's sanction to marry each other. And now the definition of marriage has changed for the first time in the history of mankind from being between a man and a woman to being between one person and another. This shows that the secular world has no clue why people were created male and female. Only religious people know. And it's still being debated about which person can marry which person, i.e. a mother and her child, a father and his child, etc. Now society has to change the definition of a husband and wife! A husband can now be a woman and a wife can now be a man!
And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what can happen when people deny sin. Not only do they have no clue what marriage is, but what is right and wrong, period. And this confusion is what we are passing along to our children all to deny that God and sin exist. And then we wonder why our children are murdering people today? An adult first has to know what right and wrong is before he can teach his children anything! This shows that we are definitely not fitter than the previous generations but in an escalating state of decay. And what's sad is that many adults who consider themselves so intelligent can't see that. That's how arrogance clouds judgment. Only Christians appear to understand why the above is decadent and leads people to death because we don't deny that sin exists. And atheists calls us evil. Yes indeed, Satan can deceive people into believing that the truth is a lie and that lies are the truth.