Barack !!HUSSEIN!! Obama #conspiracy
Did you know that dancing was created by the Illuminati in order to drive you to Satan?
Any songs that aren't Christian are satanic, and you will burn in hell for dancing, playing instruments, singing, or listening to them!
A woman on The April and Wayne Show told of her experience. When she listened to worldly music, she danced All the time! Whenever she was at church and she heard music outside, she felt a strong urge to dance, and couldn't wait to get home to dance in front of the mirror! She even would go to a back alley to practice her drums for hours every day! of when she came to God, she could hear Jesus drive the Demons out pf her! One night, however, three years later, a demon that looked like the Grim Reaper came in her room to tempt her, but, while she was sleeping, she shot up yelled I REBUKE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS, and it disappeared. She knew the Holy Spirit took control of her body. Then, when she woke up, she sat up, repented by praying for five minutes, and felt the release that God had forgiven her.
Her testimony is here:
Other sins:
Sensual Dancing
Listening/Dancing to non christian music (The devil's Music)
Murder/hating someone
Idolatry (Example: Worshipping Celebrities
Watching tv shows that glorify the Ocuult (Pokemon, Zombies, Vampires, Shapeshifting, etc.)
All forms of Kinesis
Zodiac Signs
All forms of psychic
White/Black Magic/Wicca
Spells, Curses, Horoscopes, potions, etc.
Meditation not involving God (Yahweh/Jesus) Ex: Yoga, Palm Reading, etc..
Demonic Easters healings (Example: Acupuncture, Clairvoyance)
Mediums, Astral Projection, channeling, etc.
All sexual sins:
Masturbation, Adultery, Lesbianism, Gayism, Child Molestation (David J Stewart's going to hell guys), prostitution, incest, tribadism, cunnilingus, anal sex, All forms of pornography (including Yaoi, Yuri, Futa, Futanari, Vore, Gury, Inflatophilia, Hentai, tentacles, animals, yiffing, and clopping), scissoring, anal sex, oral sex, kissing before marriage, fingering, using condums, birth control, shouting obscenities during sex, Sadomasochism, BDSM, mooning, exhibitionism, prostitution, incest, sex outside marriage, sex before marriage, wearing clothing that show your middriff, wearing clothing that goes above your knees, cowgirl position, doggy position, and rape. (I didn't list even half of them, I just need to hurry)
She also has a part two series on this. You should check it out! She tells mnre of her story.
Also check out the babylonian, Masonic, satanic and egyptian origins of all forms of non christian dancing here:
Please repent!
Here's a Korean women's trip to hell, from a vision of God. She describes all the painful and agonizing punishments for each and every sin, and paints pictures. She and her friends and ministry helped make the music and voice act:
And hurry, because countless, countless amounts of people there being tortured right now for ever and ever according to which sin they committed. Also: Pain is MAGNIFIED in hell, so pain is way way more intense there according to her in her vision from God.
She also has a heaven version.
Here's her site: