Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Britain still rules the world

The global government was created in 1947.

A global government in which all countries are cooperating under one country's leadership. I think Britain still runs the show behind the curtain and the ultimate deception is that America was the new superpower. It is a proxy as well as Israel for two different parts of the world. I don't think it is the royals, but a rogue agency within Britain. Another deception is making it and other European countries in deplorable conditions by design and to look like as if being invaded by 'Muslims', the new boogeman and scapegoat.

I think the lie is that America replaced Britain and although Israel will replace America which will happen as part of the plan, there is a rogue power behind the curtain that pulls the strings of all this show and it is Britain, even if it is a rogue agency from within.

Britain created Israel and CIA in the same year of 1947, to act as two British proxies and fronts.

The creation of CIA made it easier for Britain to run America the way we see it today and at the same time to act as a proxy, a geopolitical, cultural, social front/facade in all details and not only the dirty operations.

The Roswell incident, which was also in 1947, pushed Britain to create a global government as fast as possible.

Roswell was a deliberate act by some inter-dimensional beings that customarily work with the most powerful government in the world each time a power change takes place. I think there are many evidences that they worked "with" Hitler, Napoleon (Google the chip found in his skull), ancient Egyptians.

The purpose of the Roswell incident was to threaten the Allies - that refused the proposed cooperation - that the entities will show themselves to the people and may even take a step further. A cooperation had to be implemented between the most powerful government on Earth and those super entities.

But, this time after WWII, Britain feared the same fate of Germany as the entities did not stand by Germany during the war, so instead of cooperating with these super entities as the clear government of Great Britain, MI6 devised a way in which a British-led global government will be formed from various world Intelligence agencies to act as both the government that will run the world behind the curtain and as the government that will cooperate with the super entities. Britain created CIA and Israel (Mossad) also in the same year of 1947 for this purpose.

This also refutes that America was the new superpower as Britain got America into the war as a proxy, and not for help. Britain wanted to introduce America to the world as the new superpower, while MI6 maintains the actual work of running the show behind the curtain as a rogue agency.

There are other main purposes behind the creation of the British global government other than being the shadow entity that would cooperate with the inter-dimensional beings as an official representative:

Britain has planned a long-term gradual comeback. Using proxies to not only destroy some rising and promising nations after WWII from within by installing puppet governments and control the others, but also destroying the proxies themselves. We can all feel the "planned" gradual decline of the US. The growing anti-Israel sentiments everywhere. So, as I said, the global government wants us to believe that America replaced Britain and that Israel will replace America (which will happen), then both will be destroyed as nations from within by design (the peoples will be the victims) by the British global government. Not to mention, Islam being used in this long-term plan. The global government wants everybody to see Islam the way that government wants it to be and not what it really is. Elimination of the concept of Jihad which the global government sees as potentially very detrimental to the world order in the future is one of many purposes behind the global government creation, besides it is a new way of blaming the destruction of Islamic nations on themselves. Today, we can see in both MSM and Alternate Media how Saudi Arabia is taking the blame and a hint at Israel too. Britain also wants to psychologically eliminate the stereotypical view of the public on the British way of ruling which had many deadly mistakes in almost all countries Britain set foot in. In the future and after a long-term social and psychological engineering Britain will come back and be looked at as friendly and as if a miracle had happened, but it has all been planned.

Japan and the global government:

All the recent Tsunamis and major earthquakes that happened and will be expected in Japan are artificially made by TPTB to destroy the country.

The reasons are that Japan is a very developed and hardworking country that reached all this success in such a short period of time and that there is a fear it would reach the peak of the greatest renaissance in modern history any time in the near future.

However, the main reason is that Japan is not on good terms as much as required with the world government that was formed by Britain in 1947 in which CIA and Israel were created as a Western and an Eastern proxy fronts for Britain which preferred to run the world behind the curtain this way for a long-term plan where most of its proxies will fall gradually by design from within and America can be made as an example of this outcome as many can realize its gradual collapse today by a certain remote power. This is to pave the way for Britain to come back in the open after eliminating the stereotypical view of the British arrogance known to the peoples and the countries they have set foot in, and after indirectly proving to the world that all major powers - that are actually under British (MI6) control - have failed to do any good to their own peoples and other countries.

Britain used 3 main deceptions among other ones, so ordinary people and even critical thinkers wouldn't suspect the thing. First, the British instructed America to enter WWII not for help but to introduce it later as the one and only coming major power whereas in fact America has been run only as a proxy for Britain since the day it entered the war, and even American military and technology is backed by Britain. Some of these technologies were stolen from Germany by only MI6 as other countries were not permitted to do this or even create its own technology without taking orders and instructions first from Britain. Second, MI6 wants everybody to see modern day Britain as no difference to any European country to some extent according to precise calculations and even worse. Some of the methods used for this king of programming is allowing huge numbers of Muslims and other nationalities in the country by design and in a manner that everything appears out of control to the Public, so nobody would be able to recognize the good old Britain. Third, MI6 has made sure through long-term planning, programming, Brainwashing, Hollywood and of course with the cooperation of its proxy agencies and countries that whoever one day would say that Britain is the one that really runs the world behind the curtain and nothing above it, would be the laughing stock everywhere in the world.

Japan is not that loyal to the world government although it is under the rule of the British global government. Japan does good things to its people that upsets Britain which has been pulling the strings behind the scenes since WWII and these good things are not part of the global assigned script.

The top reason that made the world government start these recent sly aggressive acts against Japan is that Japan wanted to expose the whole thing to the world someway gradually after the initial peaceful revolutions of 2011 that were made by the Peoples of the Middle East and inspired the whole world and they were not made by any other agency as contrary to the widespread alternate media propaganda. Japan wanted to prevent these great popular revolutions from turning into chaos by the British world government which has caused all the troubles and woes almost everybody suffer from to this day. Japan would have appeared like pre-WWII Germany which Britain also made sure to falsify the whole truth of Germany's good intentions and real greatness at the time and lie about almost everything to the Public in history books, all kinds of media and prints across the globe and even making the world believe that modern day Israel - created by Britain as part of the plan - is the one that lies, fabricates and even runs the show which is not the truth as Israel is one of the many proxies used by this world government for all the big destruction-from-within show, besides the Public would throw all and any accusations only at these proxies and not the real master behind the curtain.

TPTB (the British world government) created the Fukushima disaster to distract Japan and it worked well even initially and the series of punitive procedures are still underway against Japan for not being totally loyal like all the other countries. And as such, many artificial catastrophes and disasters to be expected in Japan.



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