Mandated vaccines will be a toxic reality of a Killary Clinton administration
If Hillary Clinton is elected president of the United States, there will be a national mandatory vaccine program.
It is painfully evident with her selection for vice president and the mention of some nefarious players in the mandated vaccine battle that the former secretary likely intends to appoint to her cabinet.
For starters, the potential future vice president Tim Kaine is a huge shill for the pharmaceutical industry. He has collected tens of thousands of dollars in "campaign contributions" and signed heinous laws in favor of his Big Pharma friends - like that one time he signed a law mandating the HPV vaccine for 6th grade girls in Virginia.
I wonder if the Virginia HPV mandate had anything to do with Kaine's buddies at Merck and the announcement to "invest $57 million to expand the role its Elkton facility plays in producing Gardasil, Merck's cervical cancer vaccine." (Source)
"It's critical that Merck has sufficient production capacity to meet growing worldwide demand for its medicines and vaccines," said Dr. Charles Vencill, plant manager. "We appreciate the ongoing support of the Kaine administration and local officials to make this additional expansion possible."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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