[Energy wasting TV's being banned in Britain.]
As Britain gets more Godless, it gets more daft. Will they go through residences counting the number of televisions too, four or five tvs is worse than one flat screen.
If the God you fear, appease, worship and sacrifice to is the envirnoment the state becomes the church of the environment and the "enviroNazis" your high priests and Pharisees and eventually the sole religion, imposed on us all. Statism can go stuff itself. If I want to pay more for electricity I should. This is a drop in the bucket and an infringement on civil liberties by the Julie Andrews state.
Paranoia will destroy ya! The government has much worse plans for you than taking away your wide screen TV. Your TV is safe. And Julie Andrews, WTF? She was a fascist? Cunning, having played the Von Trappe family mother on the christmas season TV movie, to be a secret agent like that.
The hell of it is, I see their point in a way. This kind of thing almost inevitably affects the poor disproportionately, who have to hold on to old appliances for years. It is also an intrusion on peoples' lives.
But the bits about "enviroNazis" and "church of the environment" tells me Kevin only wants to impose his own kinds of intrusions on others instead.
I'll be the first to admit Great Britain is getting a bit dictatorial in their legislations. First hunting was baned, then trans fats, and now wasting energy is illegal.
But environmentalism isn't a religion.
"and the 'enviroNazis'"
Quoth the Raven, "Sebastopol!", she rather liked the sound of it. The rain beat mercilessly in to the forest clearing causing the Raven to huddle closer against the gnarled trunk as she perched on her favourite branch. "I've something very important to say to the Raven," said Richard Allen Jenkins III the rabbit to himself as he poked his nose out of the entrance to his burrow. A large drop of rain spattered on his twitching proboscis, "But I'll wait 'till it stops raining." So saying, he turned back around in his burrow and hopped down to his bed-chamber and shagged Mrs Jenkins his willing sex-mad wife. Behind the enormous raincloud, Lewis the sun grimaced as he slunk on his miserable way. (cont. page 94)
If I want to pay more for electricity I should.
Sure, when I send in my payment to Edison I often include a nice Hallmark card with a couple o' beans in there, just to let 'em know we're all friends. I'm sure those nice fellas from Enron appreciate it.
@ Osiris - the hunting band was/is a good idea.
This isnt a ban anyway, they arnet going to come into your house, check to see if you have a plasma TV and check the age of it.... Its just making sure manufacturers don't make them waste energy.
So it doesn't matter what you do to screw up an environment other people have to share, because you'll pay for it financially?
So...I can fly tip in your garden, and it will all be ok because I paid for the rubbish originally?
Oh, and don't try to get the state involved- only a Nazi would do that.
"It's a toaster."
Not all that fundie, to be fair.
What gives some unelected bureaucrat the right to tax, fine, or lecture me based on my TV-buying choice?
And environmentalism has some religious elements about it, of that there is no doubt. What are carbon offsets but indulgences?
@Encolpius: "What are carbon offsets but indulgences?"
Both carbon offsets and indulgences are a con. What both also have in common is that they are/were a money-making opportunity for those willing to fleece others. There will always be people who will fall for scams of one sort or another; it does not require religion specifically.
I'm going to go recycle the newspaper, and turn off the light I'm not using -- HAIL SATAN!
...and NOBODY in their right mind would want to pay *more* for electricity...
If I want to pay more for electricity I should.
Or you could just set fire to your money. That would work, too.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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