Evolutionists insist that dinosaurs died out millions of years before man appeared. However, there are many reasons to disbelieve this. There are the stories of animals much like dinosaurs in the legends of many lands. These creatures were called dragons.
Many times in the recent past, explorers have recorded sightings of flying reptiles much like the pterodactyl. Human footprints were found along with those of a dinosaur in limestone near the Paluxy River in Texas.
Also not to be tossed aside is the possibility of dinosaurs living today. Consider the stories such as the Loch Ness monster (of which many convincing photographs have been taken). Some have claimed to see dinosaur-like creatures in isolated areas of the world.
Recently, a Japanese fishing boat pulled up a carcass of a huge animal that intensely resembled a dinosaur. A group of scientists on an expedition into a jungle looking for dinosaur evidence claims that they witnessed one, but their camera was damaged.
However, they tape recorded the roar of the beast. This recording was checked. The voice patterns on it did not resemble those of any other roaring. You decide. At any rate, the evidence that man and dinosaur did live together at one time poses another problem for the evolutionists.
The evidence that man and dinosaur lived together at the same time poses no problem whatsoever for "evolutionists." The tons (literally) of evidence that they lived many millions of years apart presents problems for Young Earth Cretinists, but then again tying a shoelace may present a problem for these morons.
The stories of animals much like dinosaurs, called dragons, can't possibly be based on fossils of dinosaurs, right?
Flying reptiles? Some snakes can soar from tree to tree.
Human footprint can be imprinted on top of imprinted dinosaur footprint, perhaps.
Birds live today, many dinosaurs evolved into birds. Alligators and crocodiles live today, they haven't changed much since then.
Convincing photographs of Nessie? Well, I have a very nice bridge for sale, special price only for you.
Not all dinosaurs were huge.
A group of scientists? Who were they and what fields were their specialty?
I decide that you're a gullible and deluded fool.
There is no evidence that man and dinosaurs lived together, and "evolutionists" is a silly expression.
The discovery of living dinosaurs would be no problem for “evolutionists” at all. Maybe for paleontologist, but even they would just adjust their theories and soldier on. And if one would be nitpicking, one could point out that there are indeed still living dinosaurs around. We call these animals “birds”
But maybe you could tell us which part of the modern theory of evolution you think would be contradicted by still living dinosaurs?
re: Dragons
Other, more plausible explanations for these legends:
People found dinosaur fossils and spun the legends to try to explain them.
People knew actual animals like lizards and snakes and just enbiggened them in stories to make these stories more thrilling. (You may want to check the actual ancient description of dragons before the discovery of dinosaurs and the rise of fantasy as a genre. Hint: They were very different from as they are now and they differed drastically from culture to culture.)
re: Paluxy River footprints
They were fake.
re: Loch Ness and “convincing photographs”
Then show one, and the Surgeon’s Photo doesn’t count as it is not convincing.
re: Japanese fishing boat finding a plesiosaur (not a dinosaur, dinosaurs were exclusively land-dwelling creatures)
Didn’t that one turn out to be a giant squid? I remember reading something about it.
re: Expedition that recorded a “dinosaur roar”
What was the name of the expedition?
What were the names of the scientists involved?
What jungle?
Why did they have only one camera with them?
Where did they publish their findings?
Who checked the sound recording and what methods did they use?
Until you can provide the answers to these questions I remain unconvinced that this expedition did even happen (outside from a Sir Arthur Conan Doyle book, that is.)
You decide.
Already did.
At any rate, the evidence that man and dinosaur did live together at one time poses another problem for the evolutionists.
As soon as there actually is evidence produced, in contrast to the half-assed anecdotes and “maybes” you brought up, they will check it. But I refer you to my first paragraph.
> Evolutionists insist that dinosaurs died out millions of years before man appeared. However, there are many reasons to disbelieve this.
Indeed. Why, just yesterday I had soup based on a particular kind of domesticated dinosaur known as a chicken.
Actually one of THE most plausible explanations for dragon legends (at least in medieval European lore) was re-presented in a youtube video by Aron-Ra, where he demonstrates how the monitor lizard came to be mis-drawn repeatedly in art until it appeared to be a fire-breathing dragon. If you look at the old paintings of St. George vs. the dragon, the dragon is about the size and form of a big monitor lizard - nothing more.
"Evolutionists insist that dinosaurs died out millions of years before man appeared. However, there are many reasons to disbelieve this. There are the stories of animals much like dinosaurs in the legends of many lands. These creatures were called dragons."
"Human footprints were found along with those of a dinosaur in limestone near the Paluxy River in Texas."
Answers in genesis reccomends you don't use this as evidence for creation because it's a fraud and it makes christians look like a religion of liars.
So the muslim stories of jinn prove islam is the real religion?
"A group of scientists on an expedition into a jungle looking for dinosaur evidence claims that they witnessed one, but their camera was damaged."
You decide.
1. The Loch Ness Monster is impossible. Not only are the most famous photos admitted fakes, but the Loch does not have a sufficient food network to maintain a viable breeding population of large alpha predators.
2. The Paluxy River prints, while in the same physical location, are separated by millions of years.
3. The Japanese vessel pulled up the remains of a rotting basking shark. DNA examination proved that.
4. Isn't it interesting that the camera is always "broken?"
5. Can you think of any reason a quack "scientific" expedition would fake shaky, nebulous,"proof?"
Then how do you explain East Asian dragons, which resemble serpents (in fact, in some myths "dragon" and "serpent" are interchangeable)? How do you explain winged, fire breathing dragons? Many dragon portrayals look nothing like the fossils do when reconstructed.
At any rate, the evidence that man and dinosaur did live together at one time poses another problem for the evolutionists.
How so? Even if we buy the idea that non-avian dinosaurs didn't go extinct 65 million years ago, so what? That kind of finding would have paleontologists scratching their heads but evolutionary biologists would treat that finding the same way they treated the finding of the coelocanth. Yes, they'd be utterly astonished and amazed but it'd simply be another lineage to add to the evolutionary web. Far from destroying evolution it would have literally zero effect on it.
evidence that man and dinosaur did live together at one time poses another problem for the evolutionists.
It poses no problem at all. The coelacanths were thought to have died out at the same time as dinosaurs, yet one was found alive in 1938 with no effect on the ToE. Horseshoe "crabs" are plentiful and were around in more or less their present form long before the first dinosaur. Nothing in the ToE says dinosaurs or anything else has to be extinct.
The Paluxy River prints are dinosaur prints. Even "Answers in Genesis" advises creationists not to use this argument.
Once again, being a Christian does not mean that you have to be stupid.
None of the "evidence" that you put stands up to any scrutiny whatsoever.
Not to mention, every "sighting" of the Loch Ness has turned out to be a hoax and of course, the time people say they saw a dinosaur, their camera was damaged. BRILLIANT!!!
"At any rate, the evidence that man and dinosaur did live together at one time poses another problem for the evolutionists."
No, it doesn't, because that's idiotic.
You know how it's sometimes said that mixing Religion and the State devalues both? Because after reading this comment I think the same could be said of religious and secular wingnuttery.
Which is to say, don't go dragging Nessie into your crackpot creationism!
When I was a teen I read about mysterious "dinosaur" sightings in the Congo, and I wanted to believe that a dino had somehow survived the K-T mass extinction in some boggy setting. I got over it, though, and I learned to recognize "infotainment" on TV.
Mythical beasts are not evidence.
Are there any videos of these pterodactyls flying around then? And name these explorers. Paluxy River tracks? Misidentified partially eroded dinosaur tracks, some of which were purposely carved out to look more human.
Yes I saw those blurry photos, one is a picture of a toy submarine with a dinosaur head attached and the rest are branches making ripples in the water or otters swimming around.
It was a rotting basking shark. And a damaged camera? And you mean to tell me they had only one? well that's convenient, "I saw it!" is not sufficient evidence. And who were these scientists, and who funded this expedition?
All that means is that they have a sound recording of an unknown animal, it's not evidence for a dinosaur.
Finally how would finding a dinosaur be a problem for evolution? All it would mean is a population of dinosaurs was successful enough to survive to present day.
Evolutionists insist that dinosaurs died out millions of years before man appeared. However, there are many reasons to disbelieve this. There are the stories of animals much like dinosaurs in the legends of many lands. These creatures were called dragons.[Citation Needed]
Many times in the recent past, explorers have recorded sightings of flying reptiles much like the pterodactyl. Human footprints were found along with those of a dinosaur in limestone near the Paluxy River in Texas.[Citation Needed]
Also not to be tossed aside is the possibility of dinosaurs living today. Consider the stories such as the Loch Ness monster (of which many convincing photographs have been taken). Some have claimed to see dinosaur-like creatures in isolated areas of the world..[Citation Needed]
Recently, a Japanese fishing boat pulled up a carcass of a huge animal that intensely resembled a dinosaur. A group of scientists on an expedition into a jungle looking for dinosaur evidence claims that they witnessed one, but their camera was damaged... [Citation Needed]
However, they tape recorded the roar of the beast. This recording was checked. The voice patterns on it did not resemble those of any other roaring.You decide. At any rate, the evidence that man and dinosaur did live together at one time poses another problem for the evolutionists. [Citation Needed]
So the Creationists are teaming up with the Cryptozoologists now?
Damn, where did I pack my Bigfoot costume?
so, for future reference, there's a more accurate word than "evolutionist" for you to use when you want to describe people who study ToE. The word is scientist. Evolutionist has that, that sound of "fundamentalist" to it, don't you think? And that's misleading, isn't it, because you don't need faith to accept evolution as a process. It is a testable theory which provides an excellent model for the mechanism by which species arise. I know this because I am one of those evolutionist scientist palaeontologist people. When I was a little boy, I loved dinosaurs. Like you, and many other people, I truly wished they still existed somewhere. When I grew up, I realised that wasn't true. The dinosaurs were all long dead, but they still fascinated me, so I became a palaeontologist. I don't want to burst your bubble, but yep, we do insist that the dinosaurs became extinct long before anything like a human was around. And there are not many reasons to disbelieve this at all. In fact, there is one excellent reason TO believe it. There are no dinosaurs. Anywhere.
All those stories about dragons? Well, there are stories about talking animals too, but you don't believe the cat in the hat is real, do you.
Leaving Paluxy aside (others have answered that point) and turning to flying reptiles and Nessie, pterosaurs, plesiosaurs and pliosaurs all became extinct even before the dinosaurs. And, for the record, evolution didn't stop, the dinosaurs did. There are creatures around today which are very similar to ones which lived back then, sharks, crocodiles etc, but there are many more - including us - who have evolved since then. The existence of "living fossils" like the celeocanth doesn't prove anything about other species or evolution. All it proves is that the celoecanth adapted to it's environment and form a long time ago, and that the species has had few evolutionary stressors from that time to the present. As with sharks and crocodiles, it didn't stop evolving - and neither did any other surviving species - it simply didn't "need" to change.
As for Nessie, Ogopogo etc, yes many have claimed to have seen them and similar creatures. Always (as with UFOs and aliens) late at night, or out in the boonies, on their own or in small groups. Never in broad daylight in front of 1000s, never on decent quality images. Grainy, blurred, shaky hand-held footage that could be anything and usually turns out to be fake. We live in an age of satnav and Google Earth, where 7 BILLION of us roam the planet, all carrying phones with megapixel HD cameras everywhere we go. And yet, nothing. No bodies, no blood,tracks,nothing.
When fishing boats draw up strange animals from the deep or they wash up on beaches, they are oarfish,beaked whale carcasses, basking sharks and giant squid. There is no such thing as an unknown animal in an age of DNA sequencing. Even if a creature is brand new to science, we can find out what it is and what it's related to within days. As happened with the Olinguito in 2013. And of course, it was only new to western scientists, the indigenous people knew it was there all along. Those internet stories about explorers with broken cameras and strange roars are just that. Stories. I know you would love to believe that somewhere, huge and wonderful prehistoric animals still exists. I would love that too. I would love to see the extinct animals I study alive and in the flesh, but neither you or I ever will.
Consider this - if man and dinosaur ever lived at the same time, if dinosaurs somehow survived to the present day, how come in all the cave paintings and prehistoric art from around the world, there are never any dinosaurs? There are mammoths, wooly rhino, giant elk, deer, cave bears, all animals that are extinct today but which our ancestors saw and painted. They painted them because they saw them every day, hunted and were hunted by them. If they painted the animals around them , why leave out the dinosaurs, surely the biggest, scariest creatures they would have known? They didn't paint them because they didn't see them. They didn't see them because they were not there. They were dead and gone 65 million years before, dead so long that their very bones had turned to rock long before the creatures we evolved from were any bigger than cats.
I doubt if anything I have said will change your mind and to be honest, I don't care too much. I kinda envy you in your belief that you really might see a ceratopsian or a sauropod one day. The difference between us is, I suspect, that (impossibly unlikely as it may be) if one day, a dinosaur comes waddling out of the jungle somewhere, you will be the first person I come to to say I was wrong. I am a scientist, and that means I am always prepared to have my theories challenged, tested, refuted, disproved. They are not based on faith, but on proof, and only as long as the proof supports the theory. The problem with a faith-based view is that absence of proof is not proof of absence. No matter what I say, as long as no dinosaur appears, you can say one might be out there, somewhere. You can only be proven right, by a dinosaur appearing. Proof of my being right is that the dinosaur will never appear. And if you believe in dinosaurs, want to believe they're out there, no amount of science is going to change your mind, right?
Perhaps if we both keep looking, one of us might find one eventually. That would indeed be cool.
Thanks for your post and the opportunity to put my case out there. Anyone who reads this, whoever you agree with, or not, it's nothing to blow a gasket over. Enjoy yourselves and be awesome to each other.
And there are legends of werewolves, vampires, witches flying on brooms. Even written literature about them. Hell, witches were even convicted in court, so I guess it is proof that they flew around in the air on brooms. Convicted from eye witness testimony no less. It had to have happened. And Santa Clause is captured on radar every year, even the news people report that on TV.
Face it Kevin, you and I have a different opinion on what we call CREDIBLE evidence.
Really? The Paluxy tracks? When even AiG says a creationist argument is bad, you should avoid it like the plague.
Of course, this is on a site that says moon dust & the earth's rotation disproves evolution, so...
made it as far as, "evolutionists". and i still don't understand why they think that, even if %100 correct, how that somehow proves the christian god is real.
Human footprints were found along with those of a dinosaur
Once when I was a kid, I heard somebody say in reference to an old, old joke "the last time I heard that joke, Jesus fell off his pet dinosaur". Another time I heard "the last time I heard that joke, Christ was still just a corporal".
Well then, that's proof enough for me! Not only were dinosaurs contemporary with humans, Jesus even had one as a pet! Not only that, Jesus was in the army! Who needs more proof than that?
The Paluxy footprints are eroded dinosaur tracks and are acknowledged as such even by Answers In Genesis.
The Japanese fishing boat actually pulled up a half-rotted basking shark carcass that slightly resembled a plesiosaur.
As for the "roar" recorded by Herman Regusters's expedition to the Congo, I have listened to it and it's more of a long string of gurgling sounds, probably not made by an animal at all. In any case, weird noises hardly serve as proof positive for living dinosaurs.
Dude, I hope someone pulls a "Jurassic Park" and a tyrannosaurus eats you.
Okay, the Paluxy River prints were disfigured dino prints.
Nessie's likely a hoax based on objects mistaken for a creature or hoaxes like the "Surgeon's Photo".
The fishing boat pulled up a horribly decomposed basking shark corpse.
The Jungle dino one...how convenient.
Now, it MIGHT be possible there's some weird undiscovered cryptid things out there but even so, please don't use it to push your Creationist hooey.
What a total crock of frothy green diarrhea you speak, Kevin.
Please provide evidence for your assertions, and no, nothing signed-off by Ken Ham will suffice, just in case you were thinking along those lines...
Many times in the recent past, explorers have recorded sightings of flying reptiles much like the pterodactyl.
There's lots of dinosaurs in my backyard, eating out of my dinosaurfeeder, I see packs of them everywhere I go, you don't need to be an explorer to see dinosaurs. Just walk into any decent-sized city and you'll encounter the pigeonsaurus, or head down to the beach and examine the gullsaurus, etc.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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