David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
There's a sicko scene in the movie INDEPENDENCE DAY (1996), where Mary McDonnell (who plays the First Lady Marilyn Whitmore) asks Vivica A. Fox (who plays Jasmine Dubrow in the movie) what she does for a living. Jasmine says, "I'm an exotic dancer (a stripper)". Marilyn says, "I'm sorry" (which is the correct answer any decent person would give). Jasmine responds by defending her stripping by saying, "Don't be, my baby's worth it" (i.e., providing for her son). Leave it to Hollywood to subliminally teach people through their sicko movies that stripping is an acceptable way to make a living. Let me tell you right now, if you're a stripper, you're committing evil against God. You're the cancer that's ruining America. Yes, God loves you, but you're ruining society and are spitting in God's face.
You have no idea how much trouble you are in with God, for the marriages you've ruined, the families you've destroyed and the immorality you've created. You are disobeying the Scriptures to dress modestly (1st Timothy 2:9). Get right with God! Put some clothes on! Stop living for the Devil! The movie INDEPENDENCE DAY was produced by sinful people who couldn't care less about God, decency, Christianity or doing what's moral. They just want to make a buck and brainwash the public at the same time. American society legalizes stripping; while outlawing protesting abortions outside abortion clinics. We're a sicko society of hypocrites. You can legally be be homosexual, fornicate, murder your baby in the womb, worship Satan, gamble, go to nude beaches with your children, walk around Vermont naked, make pornography; but you'll go to jail for preaching the Bible at Liberty Bell.
America has forgotten God. Wickedness abounds everywhere. So many people just don't care anymore. Apathy is everywhere. Most women don't even try to dress modestly any more. Everywhere we go we see whorish advertising and lewd business displays. I wish the Lord would come back now and Rapture the Church out of here, because I'm sick of this sin-cursed world.