I dont think we can evolve to anyhting , i think our bodies can adapt to changes through genetics , if we go back to a stone age our skin and height would be different , our hair and teeth would be different, take our ( whats that organ in our body that doesnt work its in our stomach) they believe that organ use to filter food that you ate raw , but it doesnt work any more because we started seering and cooking meat so i body doesnt use it any more.
Ok, did anyone else's irony meter explode?
Our bodies adapting through genetic changes is evolution.
The vestigial organ you are referring to is the appendix, and it's not part of the stomach.
My mind is made up ...
when you multiply two by to the answer is 5
ok, I know 2 + 2 = 4 .... but still it is 5 !!!
You are talking about addition, and I ment multiplication, it's is 5 I tell you, 5.
Home-schooled, would you say? He/she has learned the word 'genetics' from his/her preacher, and thinks he/she knows what it means.
What a moron. Fancy asking that question. This is wilful ignorance in spades. There's almost something there, but not quite. What's that organ in our body that doesn't work? It's the brain!
"I dont think we can evolve to anyhting,.."
My, what creative spelling you have.
"i think our bodies can adapt to changes through genetics..."
There is a word for adaptation thru genetics, it's called evolution.
The explosion of my irony meter took out more than half my house. We need to find a better way of manufacturing these things.
That, or we need less irony...
(well, the End Times must be nigh, if I actually got to type that...)
"I dont think we can evolve to anyhting , i think our bodies can adapt to changes through genetics , "
I dont think we can evolve to anyhting , i think our bodies can adapt to changes through genetics , if we go back to a stone age our skin and height would be different , our hair and teeth would be different, take our ( whats that organ in our body that doesnt work its in our stomach) they believe that organ use to filter food that you ate raw , but it doesnt work any more because we started seering and cooking meat so i body doesnt use it any more.
Welcome to "How Evolution Works" by Imma Phundy
In your own fundie way, you have described the mechanism of Evolution. I call tthat an "own-goal"
The defunct organ, better known as the appendix, is not in our stomach and is exclusive to herbivores (vegetarians).
The appendix is also in the anatomy of the monkeys and apes, who are also herbivores.
But that is evolution.......
Oh wait, thats "micro evolution" not "macro evolution", right?
"I dont think..."
Enough said.
"whats that organ in our body that doesnt work its in our stomach"
Couldn't you have spent 20 seconds looking it up? Or an hour reading about evolution? Your refusal to gather information makes you invariably wrong.
It's as if he's resolutely gazing at a forest and loudly proclaiming that it's just a few hundred square miles of trees, shrubs, vines, flowers, and moss, with animals living among them -- not a forest.
~David D.G.
"I dont think -"
Then you shouldn't talk (or type)!
How can someone not know what the appendix is?
Doesn't everyone know someone who had to get theirs out?
Don't they know about Harry Houdini?
And the childrens' storybook Madeline?
Every time I had a belly ache that wouldn't go away, my mother would ask questions to 'rule out' an inflamed appendix.
This is unbelievable.
That would be the appendix.
Incidentally, "adapting to change through genetics" *IS* evolution at work!
>I don't think....
Well, you're correct there....
Oops, QM beat me to it...
Even if it shows a flawed understanding of biology, this appears to admit that evolution exists. I suppose that this is the denial of speciation, something often done with arguments splitting evolution into microevolution and macroevolution, to deny that the latter occurs. The latter is only the expression of the same over large time scales. Something useful to observe is how adaptive radiations around continents produced close sexually compatible variants and when going far enough, speciation. We also see this when studying biogeography. Punctuated equilibrium suggests that indeed, periods of faster evolution can happen, when it may partly seem to have stalled in other cases. The large brain of humans effectively makes the species adapt so successfully that natural selection is less of a pressure. It's also not intuitive to observe evolution, because it happens slowly and our brains have evolved to cognitively respond to immediate events. But we have a lot of reliable accumulated evidence, as well as lab tests demonstrating that it happens. It's not invented dogma, it's a discovery made when honestly studying the natural world.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evidence_of_common_descent is a useful starting point.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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