Africa is already a very Christian continent, so really Africans should not be having multiple sex partners. The problem of HIV and other STDs would not be as serious if people followed Christian theology and only had sex with their wives once they were married.
(Because obviously, the AIDs epidemic is only due to promiscuity and not due to a lack of access to contraception and proper education!)
Ye-es, and we should also follow christian theology and stone people who have aids, because plainly they had sex outside of the bonds of marriage. Or were born to people who had AIDs, which is a great SIN in teh ayez of teh LAWD.
AIDs is serious business. Why do these 'people' (and I use the term advisedly) have to bring their ANGREEE GAWD into everything?
Idiots. Remember that christian sect that tried enforcing abstinence. Yeah, they ran low on members really quick. People fuck, the reason mankind exists is because we can't prevent it and it's dumbfucks like you that are making it worse because you're ignoring the solution and suggest reading a fairy tale book instead.
"Maaaawm, the babble din't cure thu siffuhluss."
"Wull, that's becuz you din't pray hard 'nuff."
Fundies seem to think "One Spouse Only" is the right way to go, and want to foist that on everyone. Don't know why, seeing as concubines and handmaidens all men in power had way back when.
Africa is not a majority Christian continent. Africans are mainly tribal, however some are Muslim, and a few by comparison are Christian.
Lol, and yet you think Obama isn't "very Christian."
All above all, pls go fuck yourself.
But some of the people already have AIDS, from their mothers, or from being raped as a child because that's how you cure AIDS.
Or there's the lack of sanitation in some of the Christian medical outfits. Hey a needle can be used more than once, since we all know that teh gaiz is what causes AIDS.
As Antichrist mentioned, there is a lot of superstition and FUD connected to HIV/AIDS. The idea of having sex with a virgin will cure you, for example.
Or having a shower after unprotected sex will prevent it (the ANC president, Jacob Zuma's, idea, I shit you not). Or eating garlic, beetroot and "african potatoes" is also a cure (This beauty comes from South Africa's Minister of Health, Mantu Tshabalal-Msimang, believe it or not).
A lot of black Africans still think HIV/AIDS is a hoax perpetrated by white governments in order to keep black population counts low.
What's needed is motherfucking education, not another layer of bullshit superstition and FUD layered on top of another.
The last guy, name escapes me, occupied Obama's seat before he became president of the US...blocked US aid to any NGO or government who said they were going to use it on contraception, apparently to placate US Christian conservative lobbyists. Yeah "Christian Theology" has been a great help.
He kinda has a point though, if sex wasn't as frequent, AIDS wouldn't be as prominent.
Oh, what am I saying, just kill me now :'(
Many people in Africa get AIDS just because they follow the order of their christian priests, not to use condoms, even if having Sex with their AIDS infected spouse.
Thereare numerous cases like these...
spouse gets AIDS (for example by contaminated blood conserves) and the priests tell the couple not to worry, and not to use condoms during marital sex, as god will pevent any infection of the partner.
The result usually is that after a while both of them have AIDS ;)
"Africa is already a very Christian continent"
Someone get this guy a tank of oxygen, his brain isn't getting enough
"so really Africans should not be having multiple sex partners"
And you really shouldn't be controlling other's private sex lives
"The problem of HIV and other STDs would not be as serious if people followed Christian theology and only had sex with their wives once they were married. "
Wouldn't solve it because sex is not the only way to pass stuff like that. Research and discovering cures is the way to solve it. Or for fundies, prayer and damning them
I've been to Africa and met the people there. The Christians are probably more fundamentalist than you are.
P.s. are you really sure that contraception and education are that abundant in all parts of Africa?
@ Colonel Catastrophe
I believe the comments in brackets were provided by Lou, the FSTD contributor, not norak the Christian Forums Fundie who said the 'darnedest thing'.
I've got little problem with the Original Poster. It's tempting to think "He's right, after all- in the same sense that someone asserting 'If everybody obeyed the law we could abolish prisons' is right, of course." But even someone I respect like Dr Funkenstein has the problem understated by a factor of a thousand. A few hundred thousand condoms does not cover 1 month's worth of shags for a population of 10 million. Google gives me a range of answers for Africa's population, from 748 million to 955 million.
When handed out free, condoms are used for everything, from their intended use, to balloons and to sheathes to keep rifle barrels dry. When not free, they cost a week's income to many African individuals. Accordingly the OP is right in his central point- Christian (and Muslim) concepts of chastity and purity are an essential component of Africa's fight against HIV.
Unlike him, I see this as a pragmatic rather than moral issue. The prohibitions against sex arose in a time without the germ theory of disease, when unexplained illnesses were adjudged a punishment from God- and since it happened after promiscuous sex, they figured God hates promiscuous sex.
The evidence shows abstinence is a woefully inadequate solution. Still, when its the best solution available, unsatisfactory is better than nothing. Which is why the memes of sexual purity evolved and survived. And unlike America in the 70's, when its a case of obey the rules or die, then the rules tend to be obeyed more stringently.
Sorry for the talk-talk. I rate this a 1.
Africa is already a very Christian continent,
Citation needed.
The problem of HIV and other STDs would not be as serious if people followed Christian theology and only had sex with their wives once they were married.
Oddly enough, I agree with you here, at least in the sense of having a single sexual partner. However, promiscuity isn't the only cause of HIV and AIDS. Also, not everyone considers sex outside of marriage to be a sin, and thus, shouldn't be forced to conform to it. It is better, then, to provide good education about, and easier access to, birth control.
I thought Christian theology allowed a man to have multiple wives.
Unless he's a deacon of the church, of course. (c.f. 1 Timothy 3:12)
Contraceptives themselves do not necessarily prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. Only barrier methods that prevent the exchange of sexual fluids do. Latex condoms and dental dams work, but not other forms of contraception like the pill. (Contra-ception prevents conception.)
That said: YES. Lack of access to condoms and education is what's spreading AIDS so rapidly in places like Africa. Lack of education is what causes people to believe urban legends about how the disease is contracted or possibly not even know that it exists. Then it's lack of education that leads people to go to faith/traditional "healers" or do a lot of other things that are either useless or make it worse (like raping virgins). Then all the education in the world is meaningless when you don't have any condoms!
What makes it worse, too, is that women in these societies don't really get a say in how sex will go, assuming they get a choice in whether or not to have sex at all. It's fundie bullshit that essentially says that sex is a man's pleasure and something a woman must endure.
Wow, except Africa is a continent with a plethora of religions including Christianity, Islam, and many tribal religions. Perhaps you should study a tad bit on geography and culture since it doesn't seem to be your strong suit.
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