The Dancing Israeli #conspiracy
PIZZAGATE, Gulen, Dr. Green, Mind Control, Hollywood, Omega, MKultra, BlueBird
There is a plan to replace much of the world population with mind control slaves! It has been happening with buildup since WWII. It happens through many programming avenues, some are CIA cults like Gulen School, Scientology, Church of Satan, and such, others happen through generational avenues. This has always been about control, because the people that can afford to plan such shit really have no control, especially over their own thoughts.
Recently we have seen these cults and their proctors fucking up a lot, some in Turkey, some with Philippines, now with the US elections. Yes it has to do with hubris, mental illness taking over the asylum, and drug and sex addiction to wash out the programming woes -- but mostly it has to do with the age old issue with humanism: Nimrod's arrow never hit anything when shot into the sky. This boils down to more stupid shit people do in their angst called life. This is about bad coping mechanism and fantasy prone personalities. There never was any product to be obtained here, as the shitheads even hijacked the word gnosis. Notice the assets claiming to be Christians on YT still demonize gnosis? Christian gnosticism, like the Cathars is the staunch enemy to these material loving monkeys. But I regress. Below is another proof of this operation to supplant the peopulation with mindless drones...and you will hear how kabbalism was mixed in by the Nazi doctors to do this mind control operation.
Dr. Hammond took great personal risk in presenting this extensive research into ritual abuse being carried out by a system of cults around the world. Due to intense threats, Dr. Hammond stopped speaking about this topic shortly after this speech and has remained quiet since. These secretive cults appear to be intent upon gaining as much control over our world as possible through developing an army of Manchurian Candidates which have infiltrated many aspects of government.
"When you find the same highly esoteric information in different states from Florida to California and from different countries, you start to get an idea that there's something going on that is very large and very well coordinated. So I have gone from someone not knowing what to think about it all to someone who clearly believes ritual abuse is real... I [have had] concern because of personal threats. I finally decided to hell with them. If they're going to kill me, they're going to kill me. It's time to share more information with therapists."
-- Prof. D. Corydon Hammond in lecture "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse"
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...and of course this explains the nutter called Alex Jones. This also explains the 22 year old nutter that shot the Russian Ambassador. The Gulen School programming center alone showed NBA stars emerged from there, not just Academics, Government employees, media, and corporate assets. The whole fucking joint on TV is nothing more than a bunch of CIA/MI6/ MOSSAD and their subsidiaries: product.