1) Thou shalt not worship any other God than NASA
Why do you people always think we're worshiping someone just because we accepted a claim they made?
2) Thou shalt not question the theory of gravity
According to the theory of gravity, jumping off a cliff would be a very bad idea. Gonna question that?
3) Make it your soul mission to Troll flat earth channels
Pfft. Don't flatter yourself. We've got much better things to do.
4) Honor the word of “curvature”
Or just go to the beach with binoculars. Again. accepting claims based on evidence is not the same as accepting them based on blind faith. Just because you think that way doesn't mean others do.
5) Thou shalt not dabble in flat earth research
I've seen your "research." Just desperate wannabelievers doing vaguely science-like things in a desperate attempt to confirm their biases.
6) Remember the Moon missions and keep them holy
Adam can take this one.
7) Thou shalt not make any idol other than the ISS
That's really all you got, isn't it? "Everyone who disagrees with me is following a competing religion! All the things they accept as true are idols, no matter how much evidence there is to support them! It HAS to be this way, it HAS to be!"
8) Thou shalt not deny that we are spinning around the Sun
Until evidence proves otherwise.
9) Remember that water bends and curves
10) Always refer to flat earther’s as “Flattards”
I don't, because I try not to use ableist language. But there's plenty of words I could use to describe you. Fool. Imbecild. Mental Midget. Desperate wannabeliever. Reality Denialist.