[The argument was used that homosexuality is a choice because there are no gay animals. This was then countered by the statement that there are plenty of gay animals.]
"so wat your saying is that we are animals and because animals gay we should be too??? have fun screwing you dog since you must be into that kind of thing which is also a choice beastallity is the way to be in Manchester... Go Paul... There is no link between animals and humans skeletal systems whoopti doo... you need Jesus"
No, he was refuting your bullshit argument.
The fact is humans are so far from other animals culturally there is no way to make a argument from nature.
I have no idea what that post says and I read it several times.
Pass the dressing for the word salad, please.
There is no link between animals and humans skeletal systems whoopti doo... you need Jesus"
ROFL. Whoopti doo. This one actually gets me laughing out loud. Most of these dimwits scare the crap out of me, this one reminds me of some of the lines in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. My sides hurt.
It's always like this...
Idiot: "Teh ghey is not natural, thus its teh wrong!1"
Sane person: "Er, actually, homosexuality is perfectly natural and occur in over 400 animals that we know of."
Idiot: "OMG what's it got to do with anything that it's natural???"
Bigotry and poor short-time memory seem to go hand in hand, at least in these cases.
I love how he managed to slap on the 'homosexuality equals bestiality' there, though.
Analysis of this post: -Fundies do not except the difference between humans being classified as members of the kingdom animalia, and between being able to breed with livestock.
-Fundies must always bring up bestiality. Always.
-Fundies must never accept that homosexuality is not a choice on every possible level.
-Fundies must be completely ignorant of physiology.
-Fundies must always declare that Jesus is the solution to every problem they do not understand.
Conclusion: In certain cases, eugenics is a moral imperative...
Oh, the old bait and switch.
"Homosexuality isn't natural!"
"Yes it is!"
"Well, we should be above nature, you dog botherer!"
Their arguments are so bizarre, you can't even call them arguments.
I am from Manchester...
I don't think Billy Lewis is from there though. The Manchester Gay community are quite fearsome. I mean it is the place gay people took inspiration from a tragic event (suicide of Turing) and said enough is enough. So technically Billy's thoughts would have resulted in having his head kicked in by burly men who just like having sex with other men...
And there is a link between animal skeletal systems and human ones. A big link...
This is a typical Christian response.
1) Christian uses an argument and states it to be very important.
2) Other person easily disproves argument using established observable fact.
3) Christian says their original argument wasn't that important. This is often accompanied by the panicked introduction of a straw man.
What they say it's that, if there is no choice, there is no sin. Nobody is suggesting having sex with animals, IDIOT. Only to take the animal world as a referent.
Okay, now I want the biologists of the world to hurry up with those human-animal hybrids that will make consenting bestiality possible solely to make Billy Lewis and his ilk shit bricks. I know I probably shouldn't degenerate into yelling FREAKY ANIMAL SEX at people, but these folks react in such an entertaining manner.
There is no link between animals and humans skeletal systems whoopti doo
Except for things like the spinal column made up of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and caudal vertabrae, the rib cage (see thoracic vertabrae), the femur, tibia, and fibula in the hind legs, and the humerus, ulna, and radius in the fore limbs. Walking upright does make some huge differences: The pelvis and shoulders are different, the spinal cord enters the skull at the bottom, rather than the back, our legs are unusually long and our arems are quite short. Get down on all fours (feet, not knees, like a crawling baby) and your back and head will slope toward the floor.
Not all animals are gay, so not all humans have to be gay either.
There are animals with natural blue eyes, but that doesn't mean we all should have blue eyes. It's not either or, stupid, it's a little bit of both.
Ever see the skeleton of a gorilla? It's VERY human-like, just more heavy-set.
What does Jesus have to do with skeletal systems?
As Homo Sapiens IS an animal, there is every possible link between "animals and humans skeletal systems whoopti doo", as they are the same thing in some cases.
"beastallity is the way to be in Manchester"
'Y'wot? Yer 'avin' a laugh aint'cha, ya knowwharrimean?!'
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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