Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Re: BREAKING: John Nash - immortalised in Beautiful Mind Movie Dies in Crash

We live in a planet controlled by Archons and manipulative aliens, where millions of people are abducted, tortured, microchiped and memory-wiped, many since childhood, even in dreams and out-of-the-body events. Where mind-control religions, secret societies, occultists, gate-keepers and necromancers keep a permanent open door between our 3D dimension and other planes where astral parasites and interdimensional vampires can possess and torment people as they please.

"Schizophrenia" and all the other psychiatrist terms are made up by image doctors, in order to make people believe that there's something wrong with them, not with this world.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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