*Paul [owner of a gay bath house]was adamant and forthright in his belief that the gay lifestyle is incompatible with happiness and fidelity in human relations, expressing his dissatisfaction with civil unions legislation. "The temptation of other things will always stand in the way of two gay men having a long-term, loving, caring relationship."*
So... this is why we're supposed to allow the GLSB to get married and adopt children? So they can despise it from the inside? Thanks, but no.
Yes, because one gay man doesn't want to get married, no gay people should be allowed to get married. Yes, your logic is indeed infallible.
The Daily Mail managed to find a gay person who didnt want marriage to write a shitty news "story" about he didnt want gay marriage shortly after civil unions where allowed.
Its amazing, but there are a few around...
My partenr and I will be celebrating our 20th anniversary in January. With the exception of a silly and regrettable indescretion on my part 18 years ago we have remained faithful and committed. It's simple really. If you want your relationships to last, they will last. If you don't, they won't. Doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.
"The temptation of other things will always stand in the way of two gay men having a long-term, loving, caring relationship." - only if you're a weak-willed, self-obsessed scene queen, Paul.
Gee, I wonder if "Paul" is either:
A. A pixie;
B. A figment of the author's deluded imagination; or
C. A person with a vested interest in making LGBT people sneak around out-of-sight, like maybe in his "bathhouse"?
At any rate, the Fundie-Meter is well and truly active right now, folks.
Generalise much?
I've bever been in a gay bathhouse in my life. And I am gay. I have a partner this past 36 years... I don't know many heterosexual relationships that last that long. They use divorce as a means of changing partners. Gays just happen to to it more honestly - not that it's desirable to life the life of a butterfly on heat. But still it's a case of Kettle & Pot here.
There's none so blind as he who will not see.
Besides, the Daily Mail is hardly a newspaper a thinking person would buy. As a personal view, it's a comic for adults.
Gay Lesbian Straight Bi?
I do not think there is such as word as 'documentarian'. And I am absolutely sure that 'Paul' is made up. Every quote in that story is so unbelievable and so phony. Nobody talks like that, especially the owner of a gay bath-house.
Do they really think people are that stupid?
Only they are.
"The temptation of other things will always stand in the way of two gay men having a long-term, loving, caring relationship."
This could just as easily be phrased as "The temptation of other things will always stand in the way of two people having a long-term, loving, caring relationship." and it would be true of any couple, gay or straight.
Long term relationships need work. They don't just happen. I've been married to the same woman for 21 years. In that length of time we've seen other couples self destruct. If you're self absorbed you shouldn't try to form long term relationships.
The rest of the post is bullshit.
*Paul [owner of a whore house]was adamant and forthright in his belief that the straight lifestyle is incompatible with happiness and fidelity in human relations, expressing his dissatisfaction with marriage legislation. "The temptation of other things will always stand in the way of a man and a woman having a long-term, loving, caring relationship."*
There - fixed.
The behaviors described in the article, namely promiscuity, drug abuse, and unprotected sex are by no means restricted to the gay community. Gays as well as straight 'devaints' have been outcasts for most of western history, and with that comes unfortunate self-destructive tendencies. Plus the article states that one in five gays in London use crystal meth...well how about the other four?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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