Also, I really doubt there will ever be an overpopulation because it's part of god's creation, if it appears that there's an overpopulation, the god or whoever made everything would then resize Earth a bit bigger to fill up for new people to live.
So, the Earth is like God's big balloon? (Makes for a good indie pop song title, doesn't it)
Overpopulation is already happening. We're consuming about 20-25% more resources than the Earth can handle at its present state. Go to or any other place explaining ecological footprints and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Besides, after all we did to the Earth, I think God would've given up by now.
Let's try a little experiment, shall we? We'll put you and some of your fellow fundies on an island, and let you breed like rabbits, until you exceed the population sustainable by the island's ressources. If you are correct, Gawd will stretch the island to make it bigger; if you are wrong, well, the global average IQ will go slightly up.
... if it appears that there's an overpopulation, the god or whoever made everything would then resize Earth a bit bigger to fill up for new people to live.
Or alternatively, He'll kill off a third of the population with disease, like happened in the middle ages with the Plague.
Or he created gay people, childfree and childless people, wars, safer abortion techniques and more effective birth control, and conscientious people.
Ever think of that?
"...god or whoever made everything would then resize Earth a bit bigger to fill up for new people to live."
Guess we should stop the government when it tries to control inflation, huh?
Someone should start a campaign to encourage fundies to follow this commandment:
"God helps those who help themselves."
Yeah, I know it's not really from the bible, but the fundies won't know that because they're only familiar with the few scriptures that their pastors preach over and over again.
Or maybe the earth will finally say, "enough!" and our bloated numbers will get dramatically decreased by natural disasters. It will be called Population Control and the earth will breathe easy once more.
That is a sight more plausible than some fool god "resizing" our planet.
Dumb ass.
Sadly, probably not a poe. My ex actually said something along the same lines when I expressed that immortality wouldn't work on the earth because it would simply become overcrowded.
She said, "Well, God would just make it bigger then."
She got pretty pissed when I laughed at her...
Come to think of it, wouldn't expanding the earth necessitate increasing the mass of the earth (assuming hollow cavities are disallowed because the whole planet would collapse into them, probably killing tens or hundreds of millions), in turn causing the earth to spiral into a closer orbit around the sun and condemning all terran life to die in agony as the entire surface became a scorched desert?
Right. And consequently gravity would increase and cause us all to die early from circulartory stress and planes and buildings to fall.
If a hypothetical god is as dumb as you we are in even more trouble than the *existing* overpopulation contributes.
You do realize that just making the earth bigger, if God were to do that, would have many negative consequences?
Oh, wait. He's just going to change human physiology to be able to withstand increased gravitational forces, and make earthquakes not exist while he's stretching the earth out.
Living space isn't the problem.
Fresh water and the room and resources to grow sufficient food...THAT'S the problem.
You're betting all of our lives and the lives of your and our children on your belief that God will simply bail us out if we fuck up.
Yeah, you know what, Gipper? If you believe the Bible, then you'll believe that Noah's contemporaries thought the same way.
How do you square that with the fundie's usual assertion that the earth is obviously created because it's perfect for the life on it? I mean, if it can't sustain future population growth it's not perfect, is it?
Good Aruseus, this may be the most idiotic fundie I've seen.
Plus, I'd think real fundies would claim Final Fantasy is Satanic or something like that.
it's an interesting thought, though after reading the OT i can say that he's more likley to go binge smiting than that... but still, i suggest that we instead colonize space, instead. it's much more realistic than either scenarios actually happening...
No worries brudda. If Spira ever has too many people, and isn't using the horrid machina, Yevon will make it bigger again, ya?
Believing God created the earth I can tolerate. Even if I don't believe it myself, you have every right to believe that. Yes, even if evidence contradicts it.
Using belief-that-God-created-the-world to avoid responsibility is sick, and I really hope you either get a clue or get locked away for being dangerously stupid, soon.
god vs. SEPHIROTH!!!!
(Cue fallen angel music)
I submitted this. No, unfortunately for us all, this is not a Poe/troll. I must've not been paying attention when submitting this to have not included the last line. Here's the full post:
"I don't think there is an overpopulation as of now because some countries are almost empty, for example: Finland is a bit longer than England in size and has 5 millions people living there, yet England has 55 millions of people...
Also, I really doubt there will ever be an overpopulation because it's part of god's creation, if it appears that there's an overpopulation, the god or whoever made everything would then resize Earth a bit bigger to fill up for new people to live.
You know, I really am not paying attention to anything. "
Actually, according to the bible, God is more prone to downsizing humanity than making the world bigger.
I mean, why take the time to make a bigger Earth when it's so much easier to mass murder millions of innocent people with natural disasters?
Wow, how can a Moron like this apprecate the fine art work that is a Square masterpiece..
i thought everyone who thought like this played Dumb games like halo .
Square games since have generally been very damning of religion.
Take FFX and Xenogears as examples.
and how do you think would win in a battle Sephiroth or Jebus, and which one is more real ?
Resize the earth? That get my vote for the dumbest fundy suggestion of the week. Even the hollow earth guy doesn't come close.
I just can't wrap my mind around the alien thought processes that could come up with that suggestion and then have an urge post it publicly!
I really hope this guy is a Poe.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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