I watched it. God help me!
Ready or not, here it comes. And don't worry: I GOT QUOTES!
Pamela Aaralyn, who I'll be calling “PA” from here on, sees dead people...or, more accurately, she claims to hear dead people.
Among her most recent guests are some of Paddock's victims as well as the man himself.
Before going further down this rabbit hole, you may find the following segue helpful: PA uses a term more than once within the first two minutes of her video: Crisis Actor.
Crisis actors are a thing: Police, fire, paramedics, and the military are among the many groups that must train to handle mass casualty events. To do so effectively, they all go for as much realism as they can afford (right down to blood, bone, and sinew for military medics).
This realism includes having to deal with actors that can convincingly play roles from mental trauma to serious physical injuries. There are some people who, when traumatised and trapped, opt for “flight” and may seem almost catatonic when first discovered. Others, just as addled by shock and fear, choose “fight” a situation that may call for non-violent physical intervention (which is a course in itself, requiring its own certification); a person distressed beyond thought may physically attack rescuers, perceiving them as a continuation of the initial threat. Injured persons might show confusion, requiring that you calmly answer the same questions again and again as a casualty tries to regain his bearings. Others may want to speak but are unable to do so; initiates learn to read non-verbal cues in such cases. Crisis actors learn to mimic these behaviours and cues.
In the hands of...tsk...newsfuckers like Alex Jones, a public ad for “crisis actors” is solid gold proof “the government” a hive mind staffed by perfect drones, all of whom work together in harmony is faking tragedies because Jews Muslims Martian invaders reasons.
I can only assume that such an, I guess, striking term as “crisis actor” caught the attention of the world wide woo community; the portion of it that buys into every conspiracy theory known to man, at any rate.
...which brings us back round to PA.
We immediately learn two things from PA one, a useful piece of information for the learned critics of woo; the other, a damning admission PA makes about her own beliefs.
(All times are approximate. It's hard to transcribe stuff on a tablet.)
00:04 00:05: [Okay, so first of all, I'm now convinced “Namaste” is Psychicese for, Fuck off.’]
00:11 00:17: “I normally do avoid situations like this because most of the time it's crisis acting.”
00:49 00:55: “...because that's what the shooter wants: Forgiveness. Love. Compassion.”
01:14 01:26: [I'm not fucking transcribing that. The gist is that many higher spiritual teachers' are either remaining silent on this or they're going full Alex Jones. But PA has real dead people talking to her not like the fake ones in Orlando-I-Shit-You-Not.]
01:37 01:40: [But who, oh WHO, is hurting most?] “...especially the shooter.”
02:08 02:29: “You know, we had a similar event [word indistinct] Orlando; I believe it was last year. I have a firm belief that was indeed crisis acting. That's why I kept my mouth shut. But I'm not going to keep my mouth shut on this one because people are hurting and they need compassion and forgiveness. Not judgment. Not fear.”
02:41 - 02:48: “This is not about whether this is an Islamic militant group or not. From what the shooter's telling me, it is. He was targeted.”
[Don't Islamic militants do their own killing? I'm asking for a friend.]
[There are nearly ten more minutes of this!]