While on the topic, I will just interject that ancient slavery was nothing at all like 17-19th century slavery (which was disgusting). Ancient slavery wasn't so bad.
Richard Harris' Imperium is set in ancient Rome and he prides himself on getting his facts straight. There's a part where one of the characters, a rich guy who raises morray eels, says that he feeds them a slave every now and then because it makes them taste sweeter.
If only the Romans had fed all of the Christians to the lions. Alas!
I remember watching a TV interview recently enough with an author who wrote a book about modern day slavery (around Central America and the Caribbean). Apparently slavery these days is worse than we consider it to have been centuries ago. Sorry, but I can't recall the name of the book or the author :/
Slavery during the times of the Roman Empire: Thousands of Jews killed to build the pyramids.
17th-19th Century Slavery: Reletivaly the same amount of people just a revolt and it was picking cotten instead of building a tomb.
You fail at history.
JustinHesychast, I have an opening as my personal slave servant, I will handle the enslavement as prescribed in the bible, want the job?
As any thinking person knows, slavery is immoral, cruel, inhumane and unjust. The fact that your god and your holy book condone this practice is just one of many reasons to reject your disgusting religion.
"Slavery during the times of the Roman Empire: Thousands of Jews killed to build the pyramids. "
Did you just fucking say that the Pyramids were built by Jews during the Roman Empire?
List of failures:
1. Roman Empire lasted from 45 b.c. to 500 a.d. (aprox)
2. Giza Pyramids built in 2500 b.c.
3. No evidence of Jews in Egypt; and all Hieroglyphics concerning the building of Pyramids show Egyptians building the Pyramids themselves.
Smart ass time:
Jay-Sus: The Hebrew slavery in Egypt is more folklore than history. It's pretty conclusively been proven that the pyramids were built by contract workers.
Susan: I think that was Ken Ham who said that stupid snark--but same difference, as they say.
No in the 17th-19th century, a lot of countries had the 'code noir'. Which were much more civil laws on how you could treat slaves.
Doesn't make it any better, but your bullshit about ancient slavery is just that, bullshit.
"There were no Jews killed building the pyramids."
Also, the pyramides weren't built by slaves but apparently by well trained, paid and fed workers.
Ancient slavery wasn't so bad.
- You know this how? Citation, please. And no. The Bible doesn't count. It referred only to Israel, not to the world at large.
Do you know anything about the vast quarries tha produced the stone for Rome and Greece; the salt mines where slaves never saw the day and worked round the clock until they died of sheer exhaustion and malnutrition; the sexual abd S+M abuse on men, women and children; the whippings and beatings; the endless work in the latifundia (chech your dictionary!) until they could work no more; the countless crucifixions?
Justin, get yourself an education for you are sadly lacking in knowledge right now.
@Xotan: I've heard about the mine things, crucifixions, etc. but "S+M abuse on men, women and children"? Do you have a source for that? Not saying you're wrong, but that doesn't seem in keeping with the Roman attitude towards sexuality, which followed very specific cultural mores (it just seems loose to us today because they were very different mores).
Anyway, ancient slavery was very nasty too. I think the nugget of truth the OP is grasping for is that classical slaves were freed much more often, and were more likely to attain a high position in society once freed, than slaves in the US or the Caribbean.
The pyramids were not built by romans, certainly not by jews and neither were they built by slaves as such.
They were designed by highly skilled and trained architects (under Pahroah's employment) and then put together by well-paid, well-fed, clothed and well-trained builders. The old egyptians knew how to maintain a workforce, and keep its people happy. Egypt was, at the time, pretty much the most prosperous and wealthy nation on the planet.
You must realise that ancient Egypt was, considering the times, a very modern nation. They employed principles that would be "forgotten" for millennia; such as allowing women to attain offical stations, or allowing women to rule their households ... a woman could even become pharoah!
The romans, on the other hand, was quite a different group of chaps.
Slavery, by its very definition, IS bad, no matter what century or form it is practiced in. Slavery robs people of all rights and all dignity. It even robs them of the ability to call themselves people, because to their owners, they're just property. Shut up, you deluded halfwit.
"While on the topic, I will just interject that ancient slavery was nothing at all like 17-19th century slavery (which was disgusting). Ancient slavery wasn't so bad."
To quote the typical fundie. "How do you know. Were you there?"
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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