(supersport, high school dropout, and biology and medical expert, explains why horizontal gene transfer is the nail in the coffin for evolution)
[This only applies to single celled organisms that can freely move their genes. If this happened in humans we'd never become sick. Our genes would change fast enough to stop everything from the common cold to cancer.
What do you mean by "suppressed"? I learned this in grade 9 biology.]
You are not only wrong, you are missing the point:
antibiotic resistance -- the so-called "proof" for your theory -- is proof of nothing but fairytales. Listen....let me spell it out real easy for you: bacteria do not develop resistance by way of random mutations or natural selection -- they do it by way of physiological, purposeful response. This is a contradiction to your theory. Not only that but this is a perfect example of lamarckian inheritance on the level of the genome. The genome is flexible and changeable just like the phenotype is.
Sorry....try again.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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