Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

I know there are ETS here. So why not introduce yourself?

They look like super fit tall blonde people with blue eyes, those would be the nordics.

Since there's no way for me to even track you why not introduce yourself here on the forum?

Come on. We know you exist.

and please answer this question:

Why were you guys so flirtatious with Mr. William Thompkins, what the heck was going on there? Why are you women so sexual?

For the record I've seen one of your people, and her name is Mira. What's with you guys? Why so secretive? We look just like you why can't we just start working together now? What's the purpose?.. I've seen you and been on your ships it's frustrating to me that you hide!

And, do all of you look like flawless swedish models? Or... what. Not trying to be spacist.

These are serious questions. I want to know why you women are so into subjecting yourselves to sex. what is that all about?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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