[Paragraph breaks added for easier reading]
Once we stop seeing Christmas as a celebration of the birth of our savior, we begin the process of eliminating Him from our conscience precisely at the time we are meant to reflect on his presence.
Here's a little thought experiment. Imagine if tomorrow we began stopped calling chlorine, chlorine and instead called it "strawberry." Some people, not all, have fairly positive associations with the word strawberry, they like the flavor, the berries are cute, etc. I'm being a little silly here, but the truth of the matter is, some people might in error actually consume bleach. They might see the container sitting there and literally think it is full of strawberries and drink some. I think anyone can see the danger in that.
Like changing the name of chlorine to strawberry, when we change the name of Christmas to Holiday, we deny people the inherent implication that the day belongs to Christ. And for some, not all, we have allowed them another opportunity not to come to God and find salvation. In the end, we may actually being damning people to hell. And if even one person is at risk for an eternity of torment, I think anyone can agree that we need to protect them from that possibility.
Well, to be fair, people who actually use Conservapedia as a real resource might be stupid enough to smell chlorine bleach and still think it's strawberry juice.
I will not be mean...I will not smile at the possibility of Clorox's next scent being "strawberry"....
If I'm not much mistaken, the term "holiday" came from the words "holy day". I'll have to look it up, but I think it did.
So... BradJohnson... what was your point again?
Christmas = Bleach
Don't swallow! Got it.
Got to admit, the idea of eliminating Jesus from our conscience, as outlined in the first paragraph, sounds like a good one to me...
They might see the container sitting there and literally think it is full of strawberries and drink some.
Yeah, because chlorine smells exactly like strawberries. Fail
"Here's a little thought experiment. Imagine if tomorrow we began stopped calling chlorine, chlorine and instead called it 'strawberry.'"
Oh Braaaaaaaaaad, would you like to drink...er, eat some delicious "strawberries"?....
"Like changing the name of chlorine to strawberry, when we change the name of Christmas to Holiday..."
So, when I'm reaching for a jar of tasty "Holiday" and take a drink, it turns out to be a caustic chemical cleaner called "Christmas" and it burns out my esophagus? Wait....
Trouble is, this household doesn't believe in God, Jesus or hell; why would we believe in them when they don't exist. But we enjoy the holidays and seeing family members. Christmas is just that for us, a welcome break and a time of fun and happiness in the middle of the winter.
No negative people spoil our fun, or if they try, we either mock them or ignore them. If the worst comes to the worst we tell them to fuck off.
Now, I realise that words have an exceptionally fluid range of meanings amongst the religious, but your 'little thought experiment' is banal. Although, 'little thought experiment' is an apt phrase to describe it, since it seems little thought was used.
Merry Xmas to Brad and all at Conservapedia, Pule.
Well, since I'm an atheist, I don't have "chlorine" in my home. Therefore, there's no harm in calling it "strawberries", since there will be no poison to mix real strawberries up with.
Once we stop seeing Christmas as a christian rip-off of the pagan yule, we start to lose all hope of being able to think and reason. We allow ourselves to become mindless robots with no mind or will of our own, and just mindlessly and blindly follow some fairy tale that doesn't even exist in the real world.
Here's a little thought experiment: do it, and you won't be bullshitted into this cult they call christianity.
It's like redefining words to fit their agenda. They have redefined words like logic, and religion, and science, and evolution, and separation, and evil, and ethics, and murder, and...etc. We need to help them break free of this cult, and to learn to accept reality, and quit believing in fairy tales.
Once we stop seeing Christmas as a celebration of the birth of our savior, we begin the process of eliminating Him from our conscience precisely at the time we are meant to reflect on his presence.
That's something I never understood - why are there particular days when you should be more devout than the other three hundred odd? Is it OK to be comparatively sloppy in adhering to your cult except on specific days?
"They might see the container sitting there and literally think it is full of strawberries and drink some."
I don't drink strawberries, since that would cause me to choke to death. So I either eat them, or I suppose I could cut them up and put them in the blender and make a smoothie. Either would, this would entail me opening the container, looking in to get a strawberry, and seeing and smelling the chlorine. At that point, you would find out what it feels like to get a chlorine enema, because I would ram the entire container up your ass for being such a douchebag.
And what was your point again?
'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.
"...some people might in error actually consume bleach. They might see the container sitting there and literally think it is full of strawberries and drink some. ..."
So what? Only a fundie would be dumb enough to do that. And you guys all claim to be True Christians you know, the kind who can handle venomous snakes and drink poison without suffering any ill effects*, according to your Wholly BuyBull. So I fail to see a problem here.
* Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Aw, how nice of you to be thinking of all us unsaved heathens like that.
Answer me this, why do you still worship the same god who's wrath you feel you must save people from?
You'd have to be pretty darn dumb to mistake chlorine for strawberries no matter what it said on the bottle.
Not everybody is as dumb as you fundies, fortunately.
Someone should actually do this experiment.
I cant think of any practical applications of the data, but still, for the good of man kind.
People have lost the true meaning of december celebrations : Winter Solstice, when the day begin to lengthen, because the ancestor spirits love us and died for us to be alive.
If we change the name of Winter Solstice Celebrations to Christmas, we deny people the inherent implications that the day belongs to the ancestor spirits, to praised some long haired hippie instead.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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